Технологія виготовлення порожнин високоміцних гайок спеціального призначення

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Сіса, О. Ф.
Пукалов, В. В.
Юр’єв, В. В.
Sisa, O.
Pukalov, V.
Yuryev, V.

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Виконано обґрунтування технологічної схеми формоутворення поверхонь порожнини високоміцної гайки спеціального призначення, способом розмірної обробки електричною дугою з урахуванням особливостей фізичних механізмів їх утворення та гідродинамічних явищ в міжелектродному проміжку. Встановлені аналітичні зв’язки технологічних характеристик процесу розмірної обробки електричною дугою сталі 20Г2Р з режимами обробки і геометричними параметрами. The article is devoted to the development of technology and equipment for the method of electric arc machining of cavities of high-strength screw-nuts for special purposes, as a highly effective alternative to traditional methods of processing. In the conditions of a single and small-scale production, high-strength nuts of special purpose with an internal cavity under a special key for tightening are used to assemble and fasten the critical elements of mining equipment, therefore it is economically disadvantageous to use the technology of stamping such nuts because of the high cost of the die tooling. The technology for manufacturing of special screw-nuts consists of two basic operations: obtaining a special nut billet and forming an internal special profile. An important factor in increasing the load-bearing capacity of high-loaded high-strength screw-nuts is to increase the elasticity of the thread. This is ensured by the grade of material and the quality of the steel billet. When developing technology and equipment, it is necessary to take into account the conditions that will ensure the production of high-quality threads and the formation of a reinforced cavity under a special tightening key with an appropriate surface roughness. Therefore, the method of dimensional processing by electric arc makes it possible to obtain hardened cavities with an appropriate roughness for a special tightening key. It is established that the optimal parameters of the walls of the cavities of high-strength screw-nuts of special purpose at processing capacity M = 6010 mm³ / min., dimensional electric arc, there is a roughness Ra = 6,3..21 mkm, which provides the necessary geometric dimensions and surface quality. It is proposed to receive cavities of high-strength screw-nuts of special purpose with a dimensional electric arc with a given roughness Ra = 6,3..21 mkm, side walls, which allows you to shoot large material allowances with the least time spent on processing. At the same time, the treatment cycle of the cavity of high-strength screw-nuts for special purposes decreased 10 times. The feasibility study of the technological scheme for the formation of cavities of high-strength screw-nuts of a special purpose by the method of dimensional processing by an electric arc is made, taking into account the features of the physical mechanism of formation and hydrodynamic phenomena in the interelectrode gap. Analytical links of technological characteristics to the process of dimensional processing by an electric arc of steel 20G2Р, with processing modes and geometrical parameters are established.



електрична дуга, гайка, технологія, технологічні характеристики, обладнання, electric arc, screw-nut, technology, technological characteristics, equipment


Сіса, О. Ф. Технологія виготовлення порожнин високоміцних гайок спеціального призначення / О. Ф. Сіса, В. В. Пукалов, В. В. Юр’єв // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2017. - Вип. 30. - С. 124-130.