Повышение долговечности мобильной сельскохозяйственной и автотранспортной техники триботехнологиями приработки основных сопряжений деталей двигателей
Аулин, В. В.
Замота, Т. Н.
Лысенко, С. В.
Аулін, В. В.
Замота, Т. М.
Лисенко, С. В.
Aulin, V.
Zamota, T.
Lysenko, S.
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Для реализации триботехнологий приработки и восстановления ресурсоопределяющих сопряжений деталей двигателей СМХТ и АТТ предложена конструкция стенда и разработаны соответствующие режимы приработки. Представлены результаты стендовых и эксплуатационных испытаний экспериментальных, прошедших приработку триботехнологиями, и контрольных, обкатанных по стандартным методикам, двигателей
4Ч11/12,5 и Д-240. Выявлена эффективность триботехнологий приработки и их положительное влияние на технико-экономические показатели двигателя. The essence of the proposed method, electrochemical-mechanical running-in of the main
mating parts of engines of mobile agricultural machinery (MAM) and auto transport technics
(ATT), is considered. The classification of modes of this method with the indication of the runningin
operations in cases of separate single-phase running-in such separate mates as mates of engines,
and at jointly three-phase running-in for example of the mating parts of engines is given. The stand
for the realization of tribotechnologies of jointly three-phase running-in of the main mating parts
of MAM and ATT engines is proposed. Its characteristics are given and the specified operation
modes and running-in are indicated. The sketch of jointly three-phase interconnection of the alternating
electric current to the engine at running-in is shown. The regimes of accelerated testing on
the example of the engine 4Ч11/12,5 are developed. It is shown that the bench testing of experimental
engines D-240 compared with the control, tested according to standard methods, have a
much higher sealing ability of the cylinder-piston group (CPG), three times reduces blowy into the
crankcase, less wear on the piston cup, the gap in the pair "piston groove-ring" has not changed.
The decrease of the wear of the running-in of the mate "ring-sleeve" and the conservability of surface
porousness of side chrome surface of the ring are detected. During the operation on tractors
overhaul life of experimental engines were increased in 3.7 times. It is shown that this occurred by
improving the characteristics of surfaces and increasing their wear resistance by the using of the
proposed running-in tribotechnologies. Conducted bench and operational tests of MAM and ATT
engines have shown that the proposed running-in tribotechnology, applied to their overhaul life
determining mates of parts, significantly increase durability.
приработка, сопряжения деталей, узлы, агрегаты, стенд, обкатка, эксплуатация, ресурс, долговечность, мобильная сельскохозяйственная и автотранспортная техника, running-in period, pairing of parts, components, assemblies, stand, break-in, operation, resource, durability, mobile agricultural machinery and auto transport technics
Аулин, В. В. Повышение долговечности мобильной сельскохозяйственной и автотранспортной техники триботехнологиями приработки основных сопряжений деталей двигателей / В. В. Аулин, Т. Н. Замота, С. В. Лысенко // Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів : науковий журнал. - 2017. - № 8. - С.55-68.