Підвищення ефективності електродугового різання бідротовим електродом-інструментом

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Боков, В. М.
Bokov, V.

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Удосконалено та досліджено високопродуктивний спосіб електродугового різання металів бідротовим електродом-інструментами шляхом застосування зворотного прокачування органічного середовища. Усовершенствован и исследован высокопроизводительный способ электродугового резания металлов бипроволочным электродом-инструментом за счёт применения обратной прокачки органической среды. Modern engineering applies electrical, physical and chemical methods for cutting hard-to-treat materials. In most cases it is the process productivity that determines the choice of a cutting method. We know the technological shaping scheme for electric arc cutting which compensates the electric erosion wear of the electrode tool due to the parallel pulling of two electrode tools (that is, a bipolar electrode tool) with the direct pumping of process water through the front inter-electrode gap clearance. However, the direct pumping creates conditions for the concentration of torsion products in the lateral gap clearance. As a result, long arcs appear which, on the one hand, form an inclined cutting surface and increase cutting time, and, on the other hand, they destroy the electrode holders. Besides, technical water, as the process water, partially conducts electric current. Due to this part of power linked up with the electrode is not effectively used/ The objective of the work is to increase the efficiency of electric arc cutting with a bipolar electrode tool by applying reverse pumping of the organic medium. We know the technological scheme for shaping which compensates the wear of the bipolar electrode tool due to its pulling in the cutting zone, in which the direct pumping of process water is used. However, the application of this technology creates conditions for the concentration of erosion in the lateral inter-electrode gap clearance. As a result, long arcs appear that form an inclined cutting surface and destroy the electrode holders. And the leakage of current (through water) reduces the cutting performance. The work suggests a new technological shaping scheme for the electric arc cutting by a bipolar electrode tool which uses reverse pumping and organic medium. The new scheme allowed eliminating the above-mentioned disadvantages of the known scheme. Experimental research was carried out and mathematical models of technological characteristics which allow managing and predicting productivity, accuracy and quality of electric arc cutting have been obtained. Thus, a high-performance method of electric arc cutting of metals by a bipolar electrode tool has been studied and improved by using reverse pumping of the organic medium.



електрична дуга, технологічна схема формоутворення, гідродинамічний режим, бідротовий електрод-інструмент, электрическая дуга, технологическая схема формообразования, гидродинамический режим, бипроволочный электрод-инструмент, electric arc, technological shaping scheme, hydrodynamic mode, bipolar electrode tool


Боков, В. М. Підвищення ефективності електродугового різання бідротовим електродом-інструментом / В. М. Боков // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2018. - Вип. 31. - С. 47-58.