The activities universities in the context of forming the innovative ecosystem
Muzychenko, A.
Tsarenko, I.
Музиченко, А. С.
Царенко, І. О.
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NGO International Research, Education & Training Center
The paper deals with the issue of innovation ecosystem. The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of universities in forming the innovation ecosystems at the current stage. For the purposes of this paper, the analysis of approaches to the definition of the concept of "innovation ecosystem" is presented. The characteristics of innovation ecosystem are described. The factors, which facilitate the innovation ecosystems are grouped by the following dimensions: resources, governance, strategy and leadership, organizational culture, human resources management, people, partners, technology and clustering. The main features of both types of ecosystem (industry-driven ecosystem and universitydriven ecosystem) at different levels are analyzed. The peculiarities of the main interactions between industry-driven ecosystem and university-driven ecosystem are noted.
University, Cluster, Ecosystem, Innovation Ecosystem, Industry-driven Ecosystem, University-driven Ecosyste
Muzychenko, A. The activities universities in the context of forming the innovative ecosystem / A. Muzychenko, I. Tsarenko // PIRETC. - 2020. - Vol. 08, Issue 01. - P. 23-27.