Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Випуск 27. - 2014
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Browsing Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Випуск 27. - 2014 by Author "Aulin, Viktor"
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Item Комп'ютерне моделювання полів температур та напружень в композиційних матеріалах та покриттях при їх формуванні, терті та зношуванні(КНТУ, 2014) Аулін, В. В.; Бобрицький, В. М.; Aulin, Viktor; Bobrytskyi, VitaliiВ статті за допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання досліджено поле температур та напружено- деформований стан композиційних матеріалів та покриттів на всіх етапах їх життєвого циклу. Визначено розподіл нестаціонарних полів температур та напружень, які виникають в композиційних матеріалах та покриттях в процесі їх формування і тертя та зношування, а також локальні області з максимальною різницею перепаду температур і напружень та вплив на них внутрішніх і зовнішніх факторів. Виявлено тісний взаємозв'язок між складом композиційних матеріалів і покриттів, розмірами і формою їх структурних складових та статистичними і локальними значеннями досліджуваних полів температур і напружень відповідних нестаціонарних полів. Результати комп’ютерного моделювання дають можливість оптимізувати склад та структуру композиційних матеріалів та покриттів для підвищення їх фізико-механічних та триботехнічних характеристик і властивостей. The article by computer simulation investigated the distribution of temperature and stress-strain state of composite materials and coatings at all stages of their life cycle. Determined the distribution of transient temperature fields, stresses and strains that occur in composite materials and coatings in the process of forming and friction and wear , as well as local areas with a maximum difference of temperature and stress and the impact on their internal and external factors. Computer simulation of composite materials and composite coatings made it possible to construct a non-stationary heat field and thermal stress field in composite materials and composite coatings with dispersion - strengthened and eutectic types of structures that arise from stationary sources of heat ( of friction ). It is shown that the configuration of these fields are essentially uniform, there are significant changes in temperature and stress due to heterogeneity of structure heterogeneity thermophysical and mechanical properties of the structural components of composite materials and composite coatings that achieve , depending on the load of friction , melting components, and local stress - up to several GPa. The value of tensile stress and compressive alternating throughout the volume of the composite material and composite coatings. There is a close relationship between the structure of composite materials and composite coatings, the size and shape of structural components and statistical and local values of temperature and stress appropriate nonstationary fields. To minimize temperature changes and thermal stresses to use uniform size structure of the filler with a maximum dispersion of carbides and align the thermal properties of filler and matrix, which must provide high relaxation ability. According to the results of computer simulation can optimize the composition and structure of composite materials and coatings to enhance their physical and mechanical characteristics and tribotechnical.Item Модель взаємодії дисперсного середовища ґрунту з поверхнею робочих органів ґрунтообробних та землерийних машин(КНТУ, 2014) Аулін, В. В.; Тихий, А. А.; Aulin, Viktor; Tihiy, AndreyВ статті наведено механізм взаємодії РОГЗМ з дисперсним середовищем ґрунту та побудовано математичну модель цього процесу, модель достатньо повно відповідає будові і взаємодії прилеглого до РОГЗМ граничного шару ґрунту під час його обробітку. Наведено аналіз числа перетину абразивних частинок по їх діаметру у випадку моно-і полідисперсного середовища ґрунту з використанням геометрично-ймовірнісних методів. The article describes the mechanism of interaction between working parts of cultivation and digging machines (WPCDM) to disperse the soil environment and the mathematical model of the process, which sufficiently meets the structure and interaction of adjacent WPCDM soil layers during its cultivation. The process of deterioration in tribosystem "WPCDM - ground" and highlighted the main factors affecting the intensity of abrasive wear in bulk soil : the nature and shape of the structural components of the material WPCDM; nature and hardness of the abrasive soil; degree of coherence abrasive soils in parts (AP); AP pressure on the working surface WPCDM; wearing capacity of the soil. Consider three basic types of fracture surface of the metal in the interaction of AP during wear WPCDM and investigated the mechanisms of their occurrence. The influence of the ratio of the hardness of alloys on the nature of their destruction by corrosion- mechanical wear. With the physical modeling of the processes used similarity frictional interaction WPCDM from the ground: it is necessary and sufficient that the model and the object "WPCDM -ground" realized almost identical temperature and force fields . By analyzing the properties of the soil as particulate material and its deformation properties considered that frictional interaction WPCDM of soil is determined by several criteria. For theoretical analysis of contact interaction of dispersed soil environment with a solid surface WPCDM taken AP spherical shape. The model soil on the following: the distribution of diameters corresponding to research data on the fractional composition; for each fraction boundary layer of soil is half filled with abrasive particles are uniformly distributed in the volume occupied ; normal force of abrasive particles that are included in touch and at the same time acting on the solid surface WPCDM proportional to its cross -section; Growth of the normal force is evenly distributed over all contacting AP. To describe the density distribution of the size of AP in the soil used geometric - probabilistic methods that make it possible to study AP stereometric characteristics of soil based on statistical analysis of crosssections by planes parallel to the work surface WPCDM. When creating models of real AP balls accounted for deviations from the regular geometric forms with form factor, which is defined as the ratio of the largest size to the smallest or most probable value of this ratio. Shows statistical description of geometry AP, that allows to specify their distribution in size and weight, and get the equation compaction adjacent layer to WPCDM, given of stressedly-deformed state (SDS). The dependence of the elastic contact area of the normal load goes from linear to non-linear, and the average pressure becomes constant and is elastic firmness. Thus, at any time change the nature of the contact interaction and the related deformation properties of the surface layer WPCDM.Item Системно-спрямований підхід та синергетична концепція реалізації процесів і станів самоорганізації матеріалів елементів, робочих та технологічних середовищ триботехнічних систем(КНТУ, 2014) Аулін, В. В.; Кузик, О. В.; Aulin, Viktor; Kuzyk, AleksandrВ статті на основі системно-спрямованого підходу та синергетичної концепції з'ясовано реалізацію процесів і станів самоорганізації матеріалів елементів, робочих та технологічних середовищ триботехнічних систем. Визначено сукупність ознак здатності матеріалів до самоорганізації, встановлено їх взаємозв’язок. Розглянуто характер зміни процесів і станів самоорганізації в триботехнічних системах. З'ясовано, що на основі ознак здатності матеріалів елементів, робочих та технологічних середовищ триботехнічних систем можна розробляти більш ефективні технології їх зміцнення, відновлення та модифікування, враховуючи самоорганізуючий характер процесів тертя. In the article on the basis of the system-directed approach and sinergistical conception realization of processes and states of self-organization of materials of elements, working and technological environments of the tribotechnical systems is found out. Totality of signs of ability of materials is certain to self-organization: irreversibility; openness; nonequilibrium; non-linearity; fluctuating; instability; cooperativity and coherentness; dissipativity; complication. Their essence is considered and intercommunication is set. It is shown that totality of the generalized signs of ability of the tribotechnical systems to the different forms of self-organization and condition of their realization is folded tribophysics basis of providing and increase of wearproofness and reliability of their functioning. Character of change of processes and states of self-organization is considered in the tribotechnical systems that is accompanied by evolutional processes. Attention is concentrated and on formation of layer of dissipativitys structures, that come true by a kinetic phase transition basis of that is concert sinergistical co-operation of deformation, thermal, adsorption, diffusive, chemical and other of processes and localization of them in thin-film objects - new structures. It is shown coming from the analysis of mechanisms of kinetic phase transition, that major descriptions of new structures are a degree of efficiency and character of retrofitting. Main in this case there is character of self-organization friction, that is conditioned by the exchange of interfaces of friction with an environment by energy and substance, and also by collective behavior of ions of metal and organic compounds, from that protective tape or coverage is formed. Characteristic is that the formed or inflicted tape, coverage or superficial layer of material, are in the special state peculiar only to the process of friction. A friction can not destroy them, as it recreates them. It is shown that enormous possibilities of decision of practical tasks in the problem of increase of wearproofness of the tribotechnical systems are constrained, mainly, with tribophysics bases of realization of self-organization, with backlogs of triboengineering material science or dynamic material science of elements of the tribotechnical systems and physicochemical of working and technological environments, possibilities of the tribotechnology strengthening, retrofitting and proceeding in details. Certainly, that realization of process of Self-organization allows on a few orders to decrease intensity of wear of tribounit and provide an optimal value to the coefficient of friction, and consequently substantially to promote their wearproofness. It is found out that on the basis of signs of ability of materials of elements, working and technological environments of the tribotechnical systems it is possible to develop more effective technologies their workhardening, renewals and retrofitting, taking into account self-organizated character of processes of friction.