Shalimov, V.Шалімов, В. В.2019-02-122019-02-122018-06Shalimov, V. Extending the Powers of Local Self-Government Bodies when Establishing Local Taxes and Fees in the Context of Stimulating the Innovation Development of Agricultural Producers in the Region / V. Shalimov // Modern Technologies, Socio-Economic Development Problems and Ways of Solving Them : Book of Proceedings 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference, 24 June. - Batumi, 2018. – P. 25-26. ways of extending the powers of local self-government bodies when establishing local taxes and fees in the context of stimulating the innovation development of agricultural producers in the region is proposed.entaxationregional developmentinnovation developmentlocal taxes and feesagricultural producerslocal self-government bodiesExtending the Powers of Local Self-Government Bodies when Establishing Local Taxes and Fees in the Context of Stimulating the Innovation Development of Agricultural Producers in the RegionThesis