Medvedeva, О.Kryvoshei, Y.2018-01-262018-01-262017Medvedeva, О. Assessment of some parameters of biological quality of the water in the city of KropIvnytskyi / О. Medvedeva, Y. Kryvoshei // Довкілля і здоров’я : матеріали наук.-практ. конф., м. Тернопіль, 27-28 квіт. 2017 року. - Тернопіль : ТДМУ Укрмедкнига, 2017. - С. 190-191. aim of the work is to compare the biological buffer functions of aquatic ecosystems of the middle stream of the Dnipro river near the water intake and the Inhul river in Kropyvnytskyi.enwater ecosystembiological quality of the waterAssessment of some parameters of biological quality of the water in the city of KropIvnytskyiThesis