Garnyk, L.Гарник, Л.2024-04-092024-04-092024Garnyk, Liudmyla Role of Muslim Diaspora in changing world order viewpoint of archetype theory / L. Garnyk // Глобальна безпека та асиметричність світового господарства в умовах нестабільного розвитку економічних систем : матеріали ІІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф., 8 груд. 2023 р. – Кропивницький : Поліграф-Сервіс, 2023. – С. 106–112. the second part of 20th century terms ― smart powers‖ and ― geostrategic interests‖ comes in wider rhetoric of policymakers and groups of influence concerning analysis, planning and managing of current and future societal transformations around the world where key players are representatives of diaspora. Despite of different attitudes among scholars to role and place of Muslim diasporas or even their members in local or regional socio-political life or setting up sustainable trade and economic relations between countries, issue of geostrategic role of diasporas as agents of influence in changing world order. Also, this issue today becomes key element of speculative polemics around contradictions between Muslim world and Western societies.enMuslim diasporassmart powersgeostrategic interestsRole of Muslim Diaspora in changing world order viewpoint of archetype theoryРоль мусульманської діаспори у зміні світоустрою з точки зору теорії архетипівThesis