Субочев, О. І.Завалій, Т. А.Погорєлов, М. Г.Субочев, А. И.Завалий, Т. А.Погорелов, М. Г.Subochev, O.Pogorelov, M.Zavaliy, T.2019-12-022019-12-022019Субочев, О. І. Удосконалення забезпечення запасними частинами сервісних підприємств / О. І. Субочев, Т. А. Завалій, М. Г. Погорєлов // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2019. - Вип. 1 (32). - С. 58-67.https://doi.org/10.32515/2664-262X.2019.1(32).58-67https://dspace.kntu.kr.ua/handle/123456789/9050Проаналізовано фактори, що впливають на споживання запасних частин, існуючі принципи побудови систем управління запасами, методи моделювання попиту та часу поповнення запасів. Розроблена методика формування номенклатури і розрахунку запасів запасних частин. Розроблена методика визначення оптимального запасу агрегатів, яка дозволяє визначати найвигідніші стратегії в різних випадках. Проанализированы факторы, влияющие на потребление запасных частей, существующие принципы построения систем управления запасами, методы моделирования спроса и времени пополнения запасов. Разработана методика формирования номенклатуры и расчета запасов запасных частей. Разработана методика определения оптимального запаса агрегатов, которая позволяет определять наиболее выгодные стратегии в различных случаях. The article is devoted to the analysis and search for possible solutions for the construction of logistic models for rationing the consumption of spare parts, based on the criteria of efficiency and information technology and an individual approach to rationing. The need of service enterprises for spare parts to ensure the normal functioning of rolling stock and its quality repair is determined by a large number of factors characterizing both consumers and the existing system of supplying spare parts. The influence of these factors is manifested in the organization of transport and production processes. The basis of the quality management of the supply of spare parts for the operating and repair organizations of road transport is progressive technically and economically sound norms of their consumption, which must objectively take into account the features of operation, the reliability of the vehicle and its components, the repair system. The main feature of the formation of flows of failures of parts of the car is that in addition to failures due to the limiting condition of the part and those that can be eliminated by the current repair, there is an artificial cutoff of the flow through the overhaul of the units and the car, writing off the units and the car. The formation of a flow of failures with regard to repair effects actually means the mixing of unsteady flows of failures (for example, parts and aggregate). The factors affecting the consumption of spare parts, the existing principles of building inventory management systems, methods for modeling demand and replenishment time, modern conditions for the development of the spare parts market are analyzed. A method has been developed for forming a nomenclature and calculating stocks of spare parts based on logistic methods that are coordinated with the average resource and the case of sudden failure of parts. A method has been developed for determining the optimal stock of aggregates, which makes it possible to determine the most advantageous strategies in various cases: under conditions of lack of information; at risk; in conditions of partial certainty. The increase in the number of rolling stock serviced by the service company increases the gain from the maintenance of the optimal number of spare parts. This is a result of the fact that the income of the enterprise is directly dependent on the number of needs met.uk-UAзапасні частинипопитноменклатураоптимальний запасзапасные частиспросноменклатураоптимальный запасspare partsdemandnomenclatureoptimal stockУдосконалення забезпечення запасними частинами сервісних підприємствСовершенствование обеспечения запасными частями сервисных предприятийImproving the Supply of Spare Parts Service CompaniesArticle