Levkina, R. V.Kotko, Ya. М.2025-01-212025-01-212024Levkina, R. V. Prerequisites and Strategic Imperatives for the Recovery of the National Economy of Ukraine / R. V. Levkina, Ya. М. Kotko // Глобальна безпека та асиметричність світового господарства в умовах нестабільного розвитку економічних систем : матеріали ІІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф., 8 груд. 2023 р. – Кропивницький : Поліграф-Сервіс, 2024. – С. 219–223.https://dspace.kntu.kr.ua/handle/123456789/15451The martial law imposed on the territory of Ukraine has led to a global crisis that affects a significant number of people and has become an economic shock of uncertain scope. Significant economic losses from the military conflict and heightened uncertainty add to the challenges and threats that the Ukrainian government has already faced due to an unbalanced recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the UN, the consequences of the war in Ukraine are deteriorating socio-economic conditions of the population: interruptions in the supply of heat and water; increased medical costs of more than 25% of the opulation's income; lack of access to quality education for 10–15% of young people, etc. The UN forecasts for 2023 for the unemployment rate to reach almost 18%, about 65% of households have already recorded a significant decrease in income, and the economic situation of 45% of households does not allow them to purchase the most basic food products, which makes them socially vulnerable, as they switch to consuming cheap and low-quality products.eneconomic lossesmilitary conflictrecovery of the national economyPrerequisites and Strategic Imperatives for the Recovery of the National Economy of UkraineThesis