Storozhuk, O.Zaiarniuk, O.Сторожук, О. В.Заярнюк, О. В.2020-05-232020-05-232017Storozhuk, O. Influence of motivation on the formation of staffing potential in higher education / O. Storozhuk, O. Zaiarniuk // Europe Journal of Economic Research. – 2017. - Vol. 2 (2). - P. 11-15. article presents the study of the motivational factors of the influence on the formation of staffing potential of higher education in Ukraine. On the basis of the study, the concept of "staffing potential in higher education" was grounded. It plays an important role in mainstreaming of innovation activity, while staff motivation is the main tool for ensuring its effective formation and rational use. Specific features of the motivational sphere of the teaching staff were established. They disclose themselves in the direction of professional motivation for the meaningful characteristics of labour activity. It has been proved that the task of developing an effective practical tool for the influence of motivation on the formation of the staffing potential in higher education should be addressed at all levels of the economy. On the basis of this approach, the directions for improving the motivational mechanism for the formation of staffing potential in higher education at the macro, meso and micro levels were grounded.enstaffing potentialhigher educationmaterial and non-material motivationfactors of motivational influenceinstitution of higher educationвища освітакадровий потенціалмотиваціяInfluence of motivation on the formation of staffing potential in higher educationВплив мотивації на формування кадрового потенціалу вищої освітиArticle