До методики експериментального визначення показника режиму повороту машинно-тракторного агрегату

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Масалабов, В. М.
Masalabov, Vasil

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У статті наведено методику визначення показника режиму повороту машинно-тракторного агрегату у складі універсально-просапного трактора тягового класу 1,4, двох причіпних сівалок СЗ-3,6 і нової напівнавісної зчіпки. The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for identifying target mode of motion in turning a strip of machine-tractor unit, which consists of universally-till tractors of drawbar category 1.4, two trailed seeders ɋɁ-3.6 and the new semi-mounted coupling. Experimental research found that implementation of the loop rotate researched unit occurred with average speed Vp = 1.88 m/s. The average value of the angular velocity of steering the tractor is equal while Ȧ = 0.155 rad/s. As a result of the planting Unit carried out the rotate, the actual value of which mode (Kɩ) was 1.88 (m/s)/0.155 (rad/s) = 12.1 m/rad. This is only a 1.7% increase over the estimated value of the Ʉɩ, which for this type of turning the new aggregate is 11.9 m/rad. Even in relation to the optimal (11.4 m/rad) the actual value of the rotation mode was at 6.1%. In carrying out no-loop turns under experimental conditions with speed of the AIT on a turning lane (V) p = 1.90 m/s value of the angular velocity of the rotation of the steering wheel of the tractor during the occurrence unit in turn and exit amounted to 0.30 rad/s. Only this mode change control action allowed the unit to fit into the turn lane width of 16.15 m. This led to the implementation of the maneuver indicator mode Kɩ = 6.3 m/rad. In comparison with a calculation (5.9 m/rad) he more at 6.8%. At the same time, the relative optimal valid value Kɩ is 55.3%. As a result, when organization work of the planting unit should take into account that the loop turns it can perform almost optimally. When implementing unit rotation operator no-loop should more intensely affect steering wheel tractor. Reduction of the angular velocity of steering the tractor to a level, ensure that no-loop rotation planting unit with optimum rotation mode value, almost impossible.



машинно-тракторний агрегат, зчіпка, поворот, кінематична ширина, поворотна смуга, tractor unit, coupling, turn, kinematic width, rotating band


Масалабов, В. М. До методики експериментального визначення показника режиму повороту машинно-тракторного агрегату / В. М. Масалабов // Конструювання, виробництво та експлуатація сільськогосподарських машин: загальнодерж. міжвід. наук.-техн. зб. - Кіровоград: КНТУ, 2015. - Вип. 45, ч. 1. - С. 246-252.



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