Вдосконалення конструкції бітерів дозатора кормів порційної дії

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Кісільов, Р. В.
Кропівний, В. М.
Лузан, П. Г.
Нестеренко, О. В.
Kisilov, R.
Kropivny, V.
Luzan, P.
Protasenko, O.

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У статті за рахунок проведеного аналізу роботи дозуючих пристроїв запропонована конструкція бункерного дозатора порційної дії типу БДК-Ф-70-20, який обладнаний круглоланковим ланцюгом та гребінками. Теоретичними дослідженнями було обґрунтовано конструктивні та режимні параметри дозаторів-відокремлювачів обладнаних радіальними пальцями. Визначено їх вплив на якість дозування вологих та грубих компонентів у процесі розвантаження кормів на поперечний горизонтальний транспортер. In the article, based on the analysis of the operation of dosing devices, the construction of a portioned hopper doser of the BDK-F-70-20 type, which is equipped with a circular chain and combs, is proposed. The design and operating parameters of dispenser-separators equipped with radial fingers were substantiated by theoretical studies. Their influence on the quality of dosing of wet and coarse components in the process of unloading feed onto a transverse horizontal conveyor was determined. The technological process of dosed supply of crushed stem, juicy and other viscous fodder is carried out using a one- and two-stage system. The monolith of feed raw material in the bunker is fed by a chain-slat conveyor to the separating devices, which consist of beaters. The rake fingers of the beaters comb and loosen the material of the feed monolith that comes into contact with them and is discharged onto a cross conveyor or fed directly into the processing line to the assembly conveyor and mixing of components (one-stage feed dosing system). The capacity of the beater system must exceed the capacity of the feeder, which provides feed to the block of beaters, and be consistent with it. The given system can provide adjustable, metered delivery of viscous feed materials with acceptable deviations. To increase the accuracy of dosing of viscous stem and other feed materials and to ensure the performance of the beater device within the permissible technological tolerance, a two-stage dosing system is used, which consists of a feeder, a beater-type dispenser-separator and an equalizing combing device of the cross conveyor, which ensures the smoothing of the unevenness of the feed flow , which comes from the feeder, and automatically controls its operation. The uniformity of feed output depends on the beater, the design and kinematic parameters of which affect the amount of feed captured by each comb and the formation of the mass discharge roll on the assembly or discharge conveyor. Until now, the optimal parameters of the pin beaters that separate leaf-stemmed fodder have not been clarified, which leads to significant unevenness in the operation of serial feeders-dispensers. All existing dispensers do not meet the established zootechnical requirements for dosing leaf-stem materials. For the analysis of the constructive and kinematic parameters of the beaters, a developed physical model is proposed, which determines the interaction of the radial fingers of the beater with the feed monolith. The analysis of the proposed kinetics of the feed separation process and the interaction of the radial fingers with the monolith in one cycle made it possible to distinguish four periods: elastic compression and the beginning of the destruction of the feed monolith structure, which is determined by the angle α0 of contact of the finger with the monolith and the angle αkr of the rotation of the finger before the beginning of the destruction of the monolith structure; destruction of the structure of the monolith, separation of the material from the stern monolith with a finger and the formation of a drag body at the end of the pin, which is limited by the angle α1 of the formation of the stern drag body; the movement of the drawing body in contact with the elastic environment, separation of an additional portion of feed mass, free movement of material along the finger, which occurs before the beginning of the fourth period, which is limited by the angle α2=π; the period of discharge of the beater rakes, which occurs in the quadrant α3>π of the discharge of the beater. Thus, the beater, which is a rotary working body, grabs and loosens a certain layer of the mass of the monolith with the help of its fingers, overcomes the elastic compression of the material, destroys its structure, separates part of the feed from the monolith and throws it onto the unloading conveyor by centrifugal force. During the movement of the finger of the comb, a dragging body is formed at its end, which moves along the elastic feed mass. It is proved that the length of the arc of the trajectory of interaction of the beater with a variable angle of installation of the fingers is significantly greater than the length of the arc of interaction with the mass of the feed of a serial beater with a constant angle of installation of the fingers. The throughput capacity of the active beater increases, which leads to a more complete correspondence of the volume of supply by the longitudinal conveyor and the beater-separator with a variable angle of installation of the fingers, as a result of which the uniformity of the supply of the dispenser increases. The analysis of the kinematics of the movement of the fingers of the active beater established that the vertical force of elastic compression of the feed mass during the penetration of the fingers is reduced to a minimum value and thus reduces the energy consumption for the drive of the separating beater by 30–35% in comparison with radial fingers.



тваринництво, дозатор кормів, планетарний механізм, бітер, поперечний транспортер, моноліт корму, ланцюг, гребінка, пальці, animal husbandry, feed dispenser, planetary mechanism, beater, transverse conveyor, feed monolith, chain, comb, fingers


Вдосконалення конструкції бітерів дозатора кормів порційної дії / Р. В. Кісільов, В. М. Кропівний, П. Г. Лузан, О. В. Нестеренко // Конструювання, виробництво та експлуатація сільськогосподарських машин : загальнодерж. міжвід. наук.-техн. зб. – Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2023. – Вип. 53. – С. 101-111.