Використання сучасних систем САПР при проектуванні сільськогосподарських машин
Трикін, Д. М.
Мороз, С. М.
Васильковська, К. В.
Карпушин, С. О.
Трыкин, Д. М.
Мороз, С. Н.
Васильковская, К. В.
Карпушин, С. А.
Trykin, D.
Moroz, S.
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В статті розглянуто використання сучасних методів конструювання сільськогосподарських машин з використанням сучасного програмного забезпечення систем САПР, зокрема CAD SolidWorks, на прикладі моделі лапи ґрунторозпушувача. Програма дозволяє не тільки визначити небезпечні зони моделі, а й оптимізувати конструкцію. В статье рассмотрено использование современных методов конструирования сельскохозяйственных машин с использованием современного программного обеспечения систем САПР, в том числе CAD SolidWorks на примере разработки конструкции лапы почворыхлителя. Программа позволяет не только определить опасные зоны модели, но и оптимизировать конструкцию. For faster creation of new models of machines, manufacturers use modern CAD systems that allow creating not only drawings but also 3D models in a short time. It allows you to get a clear idea of both working bodies, units and mechanisms, and the machine as a whole. A large set of various tools for building elements and editing, analyzing models and assemblies, creating assemblies allow you to create not only drawings of parts, units, mechanisms and machines in a short time, but also to create their electronic catalogues and a complete set of specifications. These programs include SolidWorks. SolidWorks Simulation is a structural analysis tool that provides modelling solutions for linear and nonlinear static analysis, frequency analysis, stability, temperature analysis, fatigue, impact tests, linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis, and also optimization analysis.
For example, select the paw of the soil ripper. We create a general model assembly that will be tested for strength and rigidity by external forces. In the toolbar, activate the Simulation toolbar, in which we select New Research. In the Property Manager window, select Static, and in the Apply Material tab, select the materials for each detail. We secure the assembly with the Fixing Advisor tool and point to the holes that secure the frame in the frame. In the External Load Consultant tool, select Pressure and specify the amount of force and its direction. In the Type property manager, we select Pressure Ranges and specify them. In the property manager window, The value of pressure indicates the magnitude and direction of forces separately on each surface. Divide the end surface and create the desired areas of the surface. We specify the boundaries of the surfaces of the parts that have contacts. Adjust the density of the grid to obtain more detailed results of the power calculation. We launch research. We get the results of calculations of power loads. The analysis of the calculations made by the program showed the areas of the model where the greatest internal stresses occur under the influence of external loads. Also shown are areas where the external forces are weak. We resize the model to obtain a structure that will not have areas with a dangerous concentration of internal stresses and provide its strength and rigidity.
Thus, modern CAD software is a powerful tool for design engineers, who not only create 3D models of parts and their own, but also create drawings for manufacturing parts and assembling products that will be marketed, but also cut time for experimental research and production testing of the developed equipment. Load simulation tools allow us to identify weaknesses in the construction at the design stage and make the necessary changes without making bulk samples. This, in turn, significantly saves the cost of materials, which in turn affects the cost of products.
SolidWorks Simulation, 3D–модель, менеджер властивостей, матеріал, сітка поверхні, менеджер свойств, материал, сетка поверхности, 3D–model, property manager, material, surface mesh
Використання сучасних систем САПР при проектуванні сільськогосподарських машин / Д. М. Трикін, С. М. Мороз, К. В. Васильковська, С. О. Карпушин // Конструювання, виробництво та експлуатація сільськогосподарських машин : загальнодерж. міжвід. наук.-техн. зб. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2019. - Вип. 49. - С. 233-241.