Застосування інструментів COMPACT-моделі для уповноваженого економічного оператора в контексті надання спрощень економічним операторам
Туржанський, В. А.
Несторишен, І. В.
Turzhanskyi, V.
Nestoryshen, I.
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У статті описані підходи до запровадження інституту уповноваженого економічного оператора визначені Керівництвом The AEO Compact Model. Деталізуються етапи порівняння ризиків у COMPACT-моделі для уповноваженого економічного оператора та прийняття рішень за результатами даного порівняння. Пропонуються напрями імплементації європейської практики запровадження інституту уповноваженого економічного оператора основаної на The AEO Compact Model у вітчизняне митне законодавство. The article deals with the use of tools The AEO COMPACT (Compliance Partnership Customs and
Trade) Model in the context simplifications of economic operators. The COMPACT framework is a
methodology to perform such an assessment. Not only on a national level, but also on an international level,
when more countries are involved. It is a flexible tool that can be used not just in the protection of the fiscal
interests of a Member State or the Community, but also in the protection of the non-fiscal interests such as the
protection of the external frontier of the Community (e.g. Supply Chain Security and Anti Smuggling).
Integrated parts of the AEO COMPACT Model are the Risk Mapping method described in this
document and the guidelines on standards and criteria. The economic operator applying for AEO status shall
implement, in conformance with its business model and risk analysis, the systems, the procedures, conditions
and requirements established in the Community Customs Code and the guidelines on standards and criteria.
Customs and the economic operator shall work cooperatively toward realizing the commitment of the applicant
in the risk assessment work outlined in this document. The customs authorities must audit that the applicant
satisfies the requirements relevant for it's business and established in the Community Customs Code. The
assessment of the operator’s risks is the cornerstone of the COMPACT framework. This assessment can be done
by using the risk mapping method. Within the business community the risk mapping method is used to a great
extent. Also the Customs can benefit by developing the risk mapping method to be used as a systematic method
to the assessment and judgement of risks. Furthermore, a systematic approach is also needed to determine in
what way a certified operator should be controlled and evaluated afterwards. The method is meant to prioritise
risks by evaluating the likelihood and impact risks will have on the Customs’ objectives. It is a method that
structures and supports the weighing and judging of risks. By using the risk mapping approach together with
measures expressed in the COMPACT framework you will have a structured approach aimed at risk
identification, risk assessment, control approach and the evaluation for continuous improvements.
The risk mapping process originally consists of five basic steps: Step 1. Understanding the business (of
an operator); Step 2. Clarify the customs’ objectives; Step 3. Identify risks (which risks might influence the
customs’ objectives); Step 4. Assess risks (which risks are the most significant); Step 5. Respond to risks; what
to do about the (remaining) risks. Proposed areas of implementation of European practices introduction of
authorized economic operator, based on the AEO COMPACT Model, to the national customs legislation.
уповноважений економічний оператор, COMPACT-модель для УЕО, митний кодекс ЄС, митний кодекс України, authorized economic operator, the AEO COMPACT model, gustoms code of the European Union Customs Code of Ukraine
Туржанський, В. А. Застосування інструментів COMPACT-моделі для уповноваженого економічного оператора в контексті надання спрощень економічним операторам / В. А. Туржанський, І. В. Несторишен // Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2017. - Вип. 31. - С. 103-112.