Структура моніторингу та ідентифікації нафтових забруднень

dc.contributor.authorГолик, О. П.
dc.contributor.authorВолков, І. В.
dc.contributor.authorІсмаіл Мухаммед
dc.contributor.authorГолик, Е. П.
dc.contributor.authorВолков, И. В
dc.contributor.authorИсмаил Мухаммед
dc.contributor.authorHolyk, O.
dc.contributor.authorVolkov, I.
dc.contributor.authorMohammad Ismail
dc.description.abstractВ статті запропоновано схему структури загального аналізу нафтових забруднень у режимі реального часу. В даному випадку пропонується для очистки вод від нафтових забруднень використовувати біологічні способи очистки. В статье предложена схема структуры общего анализа нефтяных загрязнений в режиме реального времени. В данном случае предложено для очистки воды от нефтяных загрязнений использовать биологические методы очистки. In different countries, scientists pay attention the method of monitoring, identification and water purification from oil pollutions. The problem of oil pollution is not only relevant for oil producing countries. Oil spills can occur anywhere in the world. The authors of this article propose to develop the robot with artificial intelligence that would monitor, identify and purify water resources from oil pollution in the mode of real time. Previous studies have shown that it is advisable to use biological methods to water purification from oil pollution. To date, scientists have already developed preparations containing a consortium of microorganisms to purify water resources from oil and petroleum products. Microorganisms are able to adapt to large doses of oil. As a result of the biological treatment of petroleum contamination, such microorganisms in the environment remain bacterial protein (which does not require further disposal) and non-toxic oil decay products. The products of the activity of bacteria and the bacteria themselves are easily absorbed by the native microflora, giving the basis for the formation of humus or forming bottom silt. The purpose of this work is to investigate installations for the biological treatment of water resources from oil and petroleum products. In order to achieve this goal, the structure of the scheme of general analysis of oil pollution is proposed in the article. This scheme contains blocks of comparison, determination of the type and amount of contamination. The results are processed using statistical and mathematical analysis methods. The following algorithm is proposed. The robot has a special container for collecting water samples. This container has special sensors that determine the condition of the sample and transmit information to the comparison unit. The comparison unit, based on the knowledge base, determines the conformity of the water sample to the standards. If the amount of pollutants is exceeded, the information goes to the units for determining the amount and type of pollutants. In the results processing unit, decisions are made regarding the method of purification and the amount of purification preparation. In the future, this scheme will be modified and synthesized. More attention should be paid to developing a database and knowledge that is part of an intelligent decision support system. The application of this scheme to the analysis of oil pollution is possible not only for the determination of oil pollution in water resources.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationГолик, О. П. Структура моніторингу та ідентифікації нафтових забруднень / О. П. Голик, І. В. Волков, Ісмаіл Мухаммед // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2019. - Вип. 2 (33). - С. 214-221.uk_UA
dc.subjectнафтові забрудненняuk_UA
dc.subjectприйняття рішеньuk_UA
dc.subjectбаза знаньuk_UA
dc.subjectбаза данихuk_UA
dc.subjectнефтяные загрязненияuk_UA
dc.subjectпринятие решенийuk_UA
dc.subjectбаза знанийuk_UA
dc.subjectбаза данныхuk_UA
dc.subjectoil pollutionsuk_UA
dc.subjectknowledge data baseuk_UA
dc.titleСтруктура моніторингу та ідентифікації нафтових забрудненьuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeСтруктура мониторинга и идентификации нефтяных загрязненийuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe Structure of Monitoring and Identification by Oil Pollutionuk_UA
