Exploring opportunities to improve freight transportation


The possibilities of freight transportation organization improving for the formation of an effective management model of the transport and logistics complex of the country are studied. The directions of improvement of freight transportation by sea transport are determined, as the one that performs the largest transport work on the transportation of goods. It is determined that the use of artificial intelligence in sea freight transportation will make it possible to control the temperature regimes in containers for storing the quality of their cargo, improve the transportation process by accelerating the selection of participants in the transport process, choosing the optimal transportation route, taking into account the shortcomings of past transport processes, speed up the conclusion of contracts for the transportation of goods, identify risks, monitor the health of the crew and provide it on time medical care. At the same time, ways to reduce environmental pollution in the operation of maritime transport have been identified, namely: the use of equipment that purifies exhaust gases on ships, the use of Panamax-type vessels using fuel that has a low content of sulfur and other harmful substances. Also, the development of the Arctic Northern Sea Route will make it possible to speed up cargo transportation from China to Northern Europe. Досліджено можливості вдосконалення організації вантажних перевезень для формування ефективної моделі управління транспортно-логістичним комплексом країни. Визначено напрями вдосконалення вантажних перевезень морським транспортом, як тим, що виконує найбільшу транспортну роботу з перевезення вантажів.



transport and logistics complex, multimodal transportation, sea transport, транспортно-логістичний комплекс, мультимодальні перевезення, морський транспорт, вантажі


Tarandushka, L. Exploring opportunities to improve freight transportation / L. A. Tarandushka, O. P. Kravchenko, J. I. Tarandushka // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2024. - Вип. 10(41). - Ч. 1. - С. 294-300.



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