Current developments in management of human resources

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Zamlynskyi, V.
Livinskyi, A.
Zakharkiv, I.
Korneeva, T.
Корнєєва, Т. С.

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BA School of Business and Finance


Modern socio-economic life requires research on the basic factors of development on the mission and values of the company, business reputation, brand, motivation, anti-crisis measures, corporate culture, effective communications as a set of human capital investments, which can be both the greatest value and the greatest risk, and their quality acts as a renovation element of enterprise management. In today's market situation, business reputation should become an integrative integrity and an important strategic asset, which is due to the growing importance of creating competitive advantages for the company through intangible assets, the growing importance of non-price competition, the role of personal ties, institutional and social investments, direct sales, knowledge and consumer confidence becomes the guarantor of a successful business.



Current developments in management of human resources / V. Zamlynskyi, A. Livinskyi, I. Zakharkiv, T. Korneeva // Knowledge management competence for achieving competitive advantage of professional growth and development : Collective monograph. — Riga : BA School of Business and Finance, 2021. — P. 252–265.



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