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Item Food Problem in Japan: Reasons of Appearance and the Ways of Solving(ПДАБА, 2014) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.The article discloses the peculiarities of solving food problem in Japan. The problem of food self-sufficiency in this country is very important as the coefficient of food self-sufficiency which reflects the share of domestic products is decreasing. It was established that the country does not have enough agrarian potential for the full self-sufficiency of food for population but it takes measures for maximum possible reduction of the import dependence. The main direction of the development of the Japanese’s agriculture has protectionist character. The objective of the article is to investigate the forms and methods of state regulation of food safety supply in Japan and to formulate recommendations to solve food problems of the country in the conditions of globalization. In the process of research we used a complex approach which provides systematization of the results which lets disclosing the peculiarities of aggravation of the food problem in Japan. Generalization of facts and links was made with the help of interpretation of methods such as dialectic and structural, historical and logical. The research lets to define that despite certain reduction of state support, the government as earlier regulates domestic prices on food, limits the import of food products with the help of customs and tariff regulation, executes direct payments to farmers in form of various subsidies. But these measures are not the only way to save Japanese agriculture. Another important trend in agricultural development is an in-depth raise of production efficiency and product competitiveness. This is supported by the state funding of scientific and research activity in the agricultural sphere and introduction of latest achievements into production. У статті досліджено особливості вирішення продовольчої проблеми в Японії. Проблема самозабезпеченості продовольством в цій країні стоїть досить гостро, оскільки коефіцієнт самозабезпечення продовольством, що відбиває частку вітчизняних продуктів у загальному споживанні, знижується. Встановлено, що країна не володіє достатнім аграрним потенціалом для повного самозабезпечення населення продовольством, однак вживає заходів для максимально можливого зменшення залежності від імпорту. Основний курс розвитку сільського господарства Японії має протекціоністський характер.Item Global Food Market and International Trade as Market Instrument of Food Resources Redistribution(2016) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.The important role of international trade in solving global food problem has been substantiated in the article. A number of challenges in the development of international food trade have been identified, the trends of its dynamics have been defined, the ways of its development related to the need for improving the conditions of trade and its structure, ensuring more favourable conditions of access to the world food market by improving the mechanism of regulation of import tariffs and quotas, export subsidies, internal support measures for producers of food products.Item Liberalization of the World Trade of Agricultural Products as a Factor of Providing of Food Safety(ЧДТУ, 2014) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.The article researches the problems of liberalization of the market of agricultural products as a constituent part of food safety. It was established that agricultural sector of most economically developed countries is protected by a complex and quite effective state system of measures that include such instruments as tariff system, non-tariff restrictions, quantitative restrictions on import, licensing and voluntary restrictions on export. У статті досліджено проблеми лібералізації ринку сільськогосподарської продукції як невід’ємної складової продовольчої безпеки. Встановлено, що сільськогосподарський сектор більшості економічно розвинених країн захищений складною і досить ефективною державною системою заходів, що включає такі інструменти, як тарифна система, нетарифні обмеження, кількісні обмеження імпорту, ліцензування, добровільні обмеження експорту.Item Liberalization of Trade of Agricultural Products as the Way to Solve Food Problem(ПДАБА, 2014) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.The article researches the problems of liberalization of trade of agricultural products as the way to solve food problem. It was established that the main object of international critics is the agricultural policy in the EU countries and Japan. But apart of the widespread viewpoint, the amount of the federal support of agriculture per a farmer in the USA is not lower than the EU countries. These countries find complete understanding and support of their position in Japan. The EU countries and Japan developed a common conception of “multifunctional” agricultural activity. According to the conception the agriculture (with the exception of production function) has a great importance from the point of view of ecology, environmental protection, saving rural landscape, recreation etc. The objective of the article was to study the process of liberalization of trade of agricultural products and definition of its consequences. In the process of research we applied a complex approach which foresees certain distribution of functions while studying one object of research, systematization of the results which allows disclosing peculiarities of the process of liberalization of trade of agricultural products. The generalization of facts and relations were carried out with the help of interpretation methods such as dialectical and structural, historical and logical. The research allowed defining that the costs for holding current trade strategies which were defined by the traditional instruments of regulation of the market (import quotas, export subsidies, direct support of farmers), disparity of internal and external marks of the development of national agricultural systems should be paid by developed as well as developing countries. One of the results of a complete liberalization of the world food market will be its restructuring in favour of developing countries, increase of tempos of growing agricultural systems on the background of growing world process on food products. У статті досліджено процес лібералізації торгівлі сільськогосподарською продукцією як шлях до вирішення продовольчої проблеми. Встановлено, що головним об’єктом міжнародної критики традиційно є сільськогосподарська політика у країнах ЄС і Японії. Однак, всупереч поширеній думці, розмір державної підтримки сільського господарства в розрахунку на одного фермера в США аніскільки не нижче, ніж у країнах ЄС. Ці країни знаходять повне порозуміння і підтримку своєї позиції у Японії. Спільно з Японією була розроблена концепція «багатофункціональності» сільськогосподарської діяльності. Відповідно до неї сільське господарство, крім виробничої функції, має також велике значення з точки зору екології, захисту навколишнього середовища, збереження сільських ландшафтів, рекреацій тощо.Item The Practice of Sufficient Food Safety in the USA – the World’s Leader of Food Export(2014) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.The article presents the study of the experience of sufficient food safety in the USA. It was established that the achieved success in effective food safety of the USA is the result of a complex approach to the problems of the agrarian sector during many decades. High efficiency of agricultural and food policy is provided by its consistency and continuity. The objective of the article was to ground theory, methodology, conceptual and applied principles for the formation of a stable system of food safety on the basis of effective development of agro-industrial complex of the USA. In the process of research we applied a complex approach which presupposes certain distribution of functions while studying one object of research, systematization of the results which allows disclosing peculiarities of sufficient food safety in the USA – the world’s leader of food export. The generalization of facts and relations were carried out with the help of interpretation methods such as dialectical, structural, historical and logical. The research helped to define that the USA is the biggest agricultural country in the world. It was possible to achieve it due to significant and forehanded support of agricultural producers, transition to a highly technological and innovative way of development. Following the export policy the country has no problems with food dependence on import. Conversely, the USA is the world biggest food exporter. Besides, there are considerable reserves of farmlands that are cultivated by small farmers to keep the land in good condition. The problem of economic accessibility of food for the population was also solved. The share of costs on food of the total amount of a family budget is smaller and smaller with every coming year.Item Production and consumption of basic agricultural products in Ukraine as a basis for food fund formation(2014) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.This paper researches the regularities of change in levels of production of basic kinds of agricultural products. Forecast estimations are presented. Comparison of the efficiency of basic agricultural products production in Ukraine, the United States and Hungary is suggested. Consumption funds of basic food products and standards of their consumption in Ukraine are studied. The level of self-sufficiency of basic food types in Ukraine is determined. On the basis of the conducted study the forecast of production of basic products for providing nutrition standards is suggested.Item Regulating mechanism of global food trade in current conditions(ПДАБА, 2014) Stezhko, N.; Стежко, Н. В.The paper has analyzed reforms in food trade. It has determined that with the growth of per capita income, taken transformations shift the focus from net taxation to subsidization. Low-income countries tend to impose relatively high taxes on farmers who produce export products, considering them as the most important source of budget replenishment, while developed countries seek to provide farmers with large subsidies. These differences often cause political misunderstanding, which is not to the benefit of poor population both in domestic and international markets. The aim of the conducted research was to analyse the trends and regularities in the development of global food trade and to define the mechanisms of its regulation in current conditions. The research employs a complex approach that requires, with a single object of study, certain distribution of functions in its researching, systemization of results, which allows to reveal the nature and causes of the food problem. Generalization of facts and relationships is carried out by means of interpretation of methods: dialectical and structural, as well as historical and logical. The study has made it possible to define that state regulation includes a system of institutions and mechanisms relating to general rules of state involvement in the reproduction process, and it is not "purposeful administrative and economic influence" for achieving goals. This, in conditions of market relations development, is the system of indicative methods which enable achieving global state goals. It is necessary to differentiate between state regulation and state support. They relate as the general and the particular in a certain situation. At the same time state support as a form of state regulation is aimed at creating institutional and organizational environment for the reformation of property relations, formation of social and industrial infrastructure, creation of conditions for the stabilization of the reproductive process. У статті здійснено аналіз реформ у сфері торгівлі продовольством. Встановлено, що у міру зростання доходів на душу населення здійснені перетворення переносять акцент з чистого оподаткування до субсидування. Країни з низьким доходом схильні обкладати відносно високими податками фермерів, які виробляють експортну продукцію, вважаючи їх найважливішим джерелом поповнення бюджету, у той час як розвинені країни прагнуть надавати фермерам великі субсидії. Ці відмінності нерідко породжують політичні непорозуміння не в інтересах бідного населення як на внутрішніх, так і на міжнародних ринках. Мета проведеного дослідження полягала у здійсненні аналізу тенденцій та закономірностей розвитку глобальної торгівлі продовольством та визначені механізмів її регулювання в сучасних умовах.