Strategic priorities of innovative development of Ukraine in the context of the global world tendencies
Levchenko, O.
Tkachuk, O.
Tsarenko, I.
Левченко, О. М.
Ткачук, О. В.
Царенко, І. О.
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The article is devoted to the substantiation of priorities of innovative development of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization. The global world tendencies of innovative development of the world countries in the modern conditions are systematized. The
tendencies in the development of the network economy and different forms of the horizontal integration (the forming of innovative-integrated structures and innovative ecosystems) were characterized. The directions and models of interaction of the participants of the innovation process in the framework of the concept "Quadruple Helix" were determined. The main consequences of the fourth industrial revolution "Industry 4.0" were presented, related to the emergence and rapid spread of the latest production technologies and information exchange. The possibilities of ensuring rational and efficient using of resources and the spread of a humancentered approach, which are based on smart technologies were explored. The comparative analysis of indicators of innovation and competitiveness of Ukraine in the measurement of the international comparisons was carried out. The strategic priorities of the sustainable growth of the national economy on the basis of innovations were grounded.
strategic priority, innovative development, innovative-integrated structure, innovation ecosystem, concept "Quadruple Helix", competitiveness, globalization
Levchenko, O. Strategic priorities of innovative development of Ukraine in the context of the global world tendencies / O. Levchenko, O. Tkachuk, I. Tsarenko // Development of the innovative environmental and economic system in Ukraine : collective monograph / ed. V. Khudolei, T. Ponomarenko. - Prague, 2019. - P. 8-21.