Структура і потенціал логістичного сектору України
Фалович, Н. М.
Попович, П. В.
Шевчук, О. С.
Чорна, О. В.
Маяк, М. М.
Іванишин, В. В.
Falovych, N.
Popovich, P.
Shevchuk, О.
Chorna, О.
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У статті досліджено розвиток логістичного сектору в Україні враховуючи досвід зарубіжних
країн. Розглянуто економічні аспекти та перспективи використання послуг 3PL провайдерів порівняно з
розподільчою логістикою для вітчизняних підприємств; проведено аналітичне дослідження
проблематики використання послуг 3PL провайдерів порівняно з розподільчою логістикою для
вітчизняних підприємств; визначено динаміки міжнародної торгівлі, відповідно інвестиційної
привабливості ринків, розвиток логістичної інфраструктури, обгрунтовано вибір методики оцінювання
розвитку логістичних систем за регіонами, здійснено візуалізацію результатів Emerging Markets Quadrant
для оцінки перспектив ринків, які розвиваються в квадрантах відображено відносні позиції країн за
індексом. The article examines the dynamics of international trade, the investment attractiveness of markets, the
development of logistics infrastructure, the principles of choosing a methodology for evaluating the development
of logistics systems by region. The index of the development of the logistics market proposed by the
International Financial Group "Agility", which has been successfully used for more than five years, was
analyzed. The Agility Emerging Markets Logistics Index reflects the degree of attractiveness of the logistics
market for investments, and the level of investment attractiveness is assessed by a set of indicators: the development of transport communications, magnitude and dynamics of development, market compatibility. The
ranking of countries according to the Agility Emerging Markets Logistics Index 2023 was analyzed, including
with details.
It was determined that, in these difficult conditions in the domestic market, processes of transformation
of logistics firms into logistics operators working with the provision of a complex of logistics services are taking
place, as well as the entry of some powerful logistics operators into the market, which will contribute to the
strengthening of competition and the expansion of the portfolio of offers. A significant trend is the
transformation of logistics firms into logistics operators.
It was concluded that there is practically no competition between retailers in Ukraine, trade networks
transfer logistics functions to suppliers of goods, manufacturers compete fiercely in matters of their own
presence in trade networks, which increases competition between enterprises - manufacturers and distributors,
increasing the level of logistics service.The use of the services of 3PL providers by domestic enterprises with the
delegation of the functions of managing supply chains and inventory to operators will be expedient under the
conditions of stable markets as a significant competitive advantage, which will consist in reducing costs by
outsourcing logistics as a non-core function, excluding distributors. The activity of 3PL providers is determined,
conceptually, by the search for a supplier and a consumer with the transfer of supply chain management directly
to the 3PL operator, who at the same time is forced to compete with a pure distributor as commercial
intermediaries in the commodity market. Conversely, a distributor with developed stable sales technologies
through the development of logistics functions will have advantages and the opportunity to compete in the
provision of 3PL services.
логістичний сектор, 3PL провайдер, ритейл, розподільча логістика, логістичні послуги, logistics sector, 3PL provider, retail, distribution logistics, logistics services
Структура і потенціал логістичного сектору України / Н. М. Фалович, П. В. Попович, О. С. Шевчук [та ін.] // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2023. - Вип. 7(38). - Ч. 1. - С. 280-286.