School-based Technical Education in Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries England

dc.contributor.authorGolovko, I.
dc.contributor.authorГоловко, І. О.
dc.description.abstractThe abstract focuses on the development of technical education at school level in England over the course of the late nineteenth – beginning of the twentieth century. It outlines its main features, strengths and weaknesses. It also reviews the policy and practice of the government as related to technical education for young people in compulsory elementary and secondary education. The adoption of the Elementary Education Act (1870) and imposing of the compulsory elementary education (1880) in Great Britain gave impulse towards the two most important dynamics, which greatly influenced the development of school-based technical and vocational education. The first one was the establishment of the local School Boards from 1872. The second dynamic was that after 1872 many SchoolBoards also established higher grade schools. They coped with the growing demand to form the post elementary education, which was used by working class children, and to impose the technical bias into the curriculum of these schools. Technical Education Act, 1889 allowed higher grade schools and secondary grammar schools, except most liberally endowed grammar schools, to take advantage of aid offered them by the government to develop science courses. Both types of school extended this work from 1889 through legislation, which allowed county and borough councils (created the previous year) to supply and aid technical education. Meanwhile, throughout this period the larger and wealthier grammar and public schools largely remained aloof from education in science and technology. Nevertheless, the broadening of secondary school curriculum towards science and technical courses proceeded slowly. That resulted in “bookish” culture of the state-maintained secondary schools and the lost opportunity of higher grade schools in promotion of technical education. However, there was a continued drive on the part of local authorities to meet a growing demand for extended education based on occupational bias. Some of the local authorities pioneered two new models of upper-elementary education. First, from 1905, in London, an alternative to secondary education was offered for those winning scholarships in elementary school via transfer to a central school. Second, also from 1905 with immediate finance provided by the Board of education non-selective junior technical schools sprang up. The large, skill-intensive industries and their associated industrial relations were obviously important in determining key structures in the overall provision of technical and vocational education. But so, too, was the role of government in setting the priorities for education, the place of local authorities, which were the key to the kind of specialist technical schools that existed in England and Wales beginning from 1905. Urban authorities also were always most likely to be interested in their development and supporting them. Розглянуто процес впровадження технічної освіти в школи Англії в кінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. Виділено характерні риси технічної освіти, її сильні на слабкі сторони. Визначено роль та підходи уряду в практичному втіленні технічної освіти в національну систему шкільної освіти. Рассмотрен процесс введения технического образования на школьном уровне в Англии в конце XIX – начале ХХ ст. Выделены характерные черты технического образования, его сильные и слабые стороны. Освещены роль и подходы правительства в практическом введении технического образования в национальную систему школьного образования.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationGolovko, I. School-based technical education in late nineteenth – early twentieth centuries england / I. Golovko // Наукові записки. Серія : Педагогічні науки. - Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. - Вип. 156. - С. 146-150.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherUDC 37.025
dc.publisherРВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченкаuk_UA
dc.subjectcompulsory educationuk_UA
dc.subjectschool level technical educationuk_UA
dc.subjectcentral schoolsuk_UA
dc.subjectjunior technical schoolsuk_UA
dc.subjectобов’язкова освітаuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнічна освіта на шкільному рівніuk_UA
dc.subjectвищі школиuk_UA
dc.subjectцентральні школиuk_UA
dc.subjectмолодші технічні школиuk_UA
dc.subjectАнглія кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.uk_UA
dc.subjectобязательное образованиеuk_UA
dc.subjectтехническое образование на школьном уровнеuk_UA
dc.subjectвысшая школаuk_UA
dc.subjectцентральная школаuk_UA
dc.subjectмладшая техническая школаuk_UA
dc.subjectАнглия конца XIX – начала ХХ веков.uk_UA
dc.titleSchool-based Technical Education in Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries Englanduk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВпроваджування технічної освіти на шкільному рівні в Англії (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВведение технического образования на школьном уровне в Англии (конец ХІХ – начало ХХ ст.)uk_UA


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