Принципи побудови математичної моделі газогенераторного процесу

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Конончук, C. В.
Скрипник, О. В.
Свяцький, В. В.
Конончук, С. В.
Скрипник, О. В.
Свяцкий, В. В.
Kononchuk, S.
Skrypnyk, O.
Sviatskyi, V.

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В статті запропоновано новий підхід до вивчення взаємозв’язку між основними параметрами газогенераторного процесу; оригінальні методики розрахунків матеріального та теплового балансів процесу газифікації твердого палива; спосіб реалізації математичної моделі газогенераторного процесу на комп’ютері. В статье предложен новый подход в исследовании взаимосвязей между основными параметрами газогенераторного процесса; оригинальные методики расчета материального и теплового балансов процесса газификации твердого топлива; способ реализации математической модели газогенераторного процесса на компьютере. The need for the development and introduction of technologies in Ukraine that are capable of providing energy resources savings, improving sanitary and hygienic and economic indicators of production, encourage the search for and use of alternative energy sources, including gasification of solid fuels of local sources in gas generators. To solve problems of forecasting and optimization of the gas generator process on the basis of the study of the relationship between its parameters, as well as the calculation of the material and thermal balance of the gas generator, the principles of detection of the laws of heat and mass exchange, as well as the invention of the mathematical description of the process, taking into account the type of the gas generator process (direct, horizontal), quantity, temperature and chemical composition of fuel and blast. In order to study the relationship between the most important parameters of the gas generator process, a laboratory plant was developed in which the reverse gas generator process was implemented. However, the conduct of experimental studies in the variation of a large number of input parameters leads to an increase in the number of field experiments, given their complexity, is limited by great difficulties. Therefore, of the three possible types of mathematical models (theoretical, mixed and statistical) for gas generators in the present conditions, it is expedient to construct models of mixed type, when the mathematical structure of the model is determined theoretically, and the identification of the model is carried out using experimental data. The gas generator is considered as a static object with lumped parameters. The original methods of calculating the material and thermal balance of the gasification process of solid fuel have been developed, taking into account the variation of the input parameters. A block diagram of the solution of the problem of determining the temperature dependence of the generator gas and its amount from the air flow, which allows obtaining a computer program for solving this problem, has been developed. The given method of mathematical modeling of the gas-generating process allows to solve problems of forecasting and optimization of this process, gives the possibility of practical use of mathematical model at designing and operation of gas generators at enterprises of different industries.



газогенератор, паливо, дуття, газифікація, математична модель, матеріальний баланс, тепловий баланс, блок-схема, газогенератор, топливо, дутье, газификация, математическая модель, материальный баланс, тепловой баланс, блок-схема, gas generator, fuel, blast, gasification, mathematical model, material balance, heat balance


Конончук, С. В. Принципи побудови математичної моделі газогенераторного процесу / С. В. Конончук, О. В. Скрипник, В. В. Свяцький // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2019. - Вип. 1 (32). - С. 131-137.



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