Teaching foreign language to future agronomists: points to consider

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Holovko, I.
Головко, І. О.

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Pro Conference in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington.


The article depicts some approaches of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language to students of the specialty “Agronomy” taking into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of speech perception, understanding, absorption and communicating in foreign language. To solve the issue the approach of intensive methods should be applied including grouping students according to the level they possess in foreign language, weekly consultations with a teacher to help students organize the independent work and self-control in studying, consideration of their individual abilities, combination of means of studying: textbooks, audiovisual aids, computer and multimedia resources. It is noted that analytical and logical mentality of “Agronomy” specialty studentsshows the superiority of concrete-figurative and visual perception of the material compared to auditory skills that follows the necessity of teaching vocabulary and grammar using schemes, tables, and patterns. Teaching a foreign language to future agronomists should also consider their difficulty to formulate and express thoughts easily and widely using the whole range of the vocabulary, even though which is known to them. It puts forward the importance of practicing the large number of the receptive-productive and reproducing-productive exercises in communicatively-oriented mini-dialogues. It aims to make students be aware of using language in different real-life situations dealt with their future professional carrier and acquire some level of communicative competence. Special attention should be given to the choice of the context for learning: it must meet students’ requirements for their professional activity in the future.



agronomical specialties students, future agronomists, teaching foreign language, foreign professional and situational communication


Holovko, I. O. Teaching foreign language to future agronomists: points to consider [Electronic resource] / I. O. Holovko // Global science and education in the modern realities‘2023 : Conference Proceedings. - ProConference in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington, 2023. - № 18. - May 10. - P. 96–100. - Режим доступу: https://proconference.org/index.php/usc/article/view/usc18-01-033 (дата звернення: 11.11.2024). - Назва з екрана.



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