Розмірна обробка тіл обертання електричною дугою з використанням дротового електрода-інструмента

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Боков, В. М.
Bokov, V.

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Запропоновано та досліджено високопродуктивний спосіб розмірної обробки тіл обертання електричною дугою з використанням дротового електрода-інструмента, який дозволяє підвищити точність обробки. Предложен и исследован высокопроизводительный способ размерной обработки тел вращения электрической дугой с использованием проволочного электрода-инструмента, который позволяет повысить точность обработки. In modern engineering electro-erosion methods are used for treatment of rotation bodies made of hard-to-machine materials. They provide non-force cutting and allow treating any electrically conductive material regardless of its hardness. Thus, a high-performance arc treatment method is known. The method applies a graphite electrode-tool, but it does not provide high machining accuracy due to increased abrasive wear of the electrode-tool. In addition, there is a method of electro-spark machining of rotation bodies which compensates for wear by pulling the wire electrode tool in the treatment area, but does not provide high processing performance. The author of the work combines the advantages of these methods. The result of the combination is a new method of dimensional arc treatment of rotation bodies using a wire electrode tool. Thus, the objective of the study is to improve the accuracy of the process of dimensional treatment by an arc of rotation bodies using a wire electrode tool. The basis of the proposed method is a new technological scheme of shaping the surface of the rotation body. An electric arc is excited in the hydrodynamic fluid flow between the workpiece electrode, which rotates, and the wire electrode tool, which is pulled in the treatment area along the convex surface of the electrode holder in a plane that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the workpiece electrode. The process is carried out with a guaranteed gap between the non-treated surface of the workpiece electrode and the electrode-tool without tracking the supply of the electrode-tool. Broaching the wire electrode tool allows compensating its wear. The use of the proposed method, in comparison with the known, allows increasing the accuracy of shaping the surface of the rotation body from 14 to 8 points of accuracy degree. Mathematical models of technological characteristics, characterizing the performance and quality of the process of dimensional arc treatment using a wire electrode-tool, which allow them to control and forecast, are obtained. The physical mechanism of formation of surface roughness is investigated. The possibility of forming the surface successively in several passes or in one pass is shown.



електрична дуга, гідродинамічний режим, дротовий електрод-інструмент, технологічна схема формоутворення, электрическая дуга, гидродинамический режим, проволочный электрод-инструмент, технологическая схема формообразования, electric arc, hydrodynamic mode, wire electrode tool, technological shaping scheme


Боков, В. М. Розмірна обробка тіл обертання електричною дугою з використанням дротового електрода-інструмента / В. М. Боков // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2019. - Вип. 1 (32). - С. 154-165.



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