Natural approach in the concept of individual education by Herbert Spencer

dc.contributor.authorMytsenko, V.
dc.contributor.authorМиценко, В. І.
dc.description.abstractDuring the XIX century the European society had profound changes in the philosophy of life. That was the development of individualism: the new social conditions associated with the Industrial Revolution formed a new type of a personality that outlined his/her contacts with society on the basis of goods and money relations. Focusing on individual cultural goals and radical response to the conditions dictated by public opinion were realized in the works of the English philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). The pedagogy of H. Spencer consists of the following problems which are: the problem of selfdevelopment of a child; establishment of the successful system of self-education and training which is based on the "natural method of education" [8] and training of parents for their duties; thirdly, changes in educational programmes abandoning old forms of work and study; fourth, teachers and parents have to discover a child in order to contribute to its successful physical and moral development. The famous book by Herbert Spencer "Education: intellectual, moral, and physical" seemed to be the key to the regeneration of society. The author skilfully contrasted natural laws to the necessity to adhere to the old traditional beliefs in education. It is known that Herbert Spencer advised major Japanese diplomats and ministers on general policy and reorganization of education. We may find interesting propositions in the works of Spencer, particularly he writes about the necessity to teach pedagogy at school as future parents should know basic principles of educating and upbringing children. Another interesting thought of H. Spencer is if a child got accustomed to immediate response of the parents to his actions and having become an adult is incapable independently assess the results of his actions. Perhaps the philosopher is right when indicates that the method of education with the help of "natural consequences" teaches the educators to analyze their own motives more seriously. Herbert Spencer followed democratic and progressive views. He singled out the following general tasks of education as full development of a child, specifying the full description of intellectual, moral and physical development. The educational views of H. Spencer and his theoretical and practical contribution to solving the problem of individual education of children in public and family education were systematised and analysed. General tasks of education as full development of a child, specifying the full description of intellectual, moral and physical development were singled out. В статті представлено аналіз педагогічних поглядів англійського філософа Герберта Спенсера та його концепції індивідуального підходу у розумовому, моральному та фізичному вихованні. Було проаналізовано та систематизовано теоретичний та практичний внесок Г. Спенсера у вирішення проблеми індивідуального виховання дітей в рамках громадської та сімейної освіти. В статье представлен анализ педагогических взглядов английского философа Герберта Спенсера и его концепции индивидуального подхода в умственном, нравственном и физическом воспитании. Были проанализированы и систематизированы теоретический и практический вклад Г. Спенсера в решение проблемы индивидуального воспитания детей в рамках общественного и семейного воспитания.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationMytsenko, V. Natural approach in the concept of individual education by Herbert Spencer / Valeriy Mytsenko // Наукові записки : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Педагогічні науки. - Кропивницький : РВВ КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016. - Вип. 149. - C. 72-76.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherUDC 37.013.41
dc.publisherРВВ КДПУ ім. В. Винниченкаuk_UA
dc.subjectіндивідуальний підхідuk_UA
dc.subjectрозумове вихованняuk_UA
dc.subjectиндивидуальный подходuk_UA
dc.subjectморальне вихованняuk_UA
dc.subjectфізичне вихованняuk_UA
dc.subjectумственное воспитаниеuk_UA
dc.subjectнравственное воспитаниеuk_UA
dc.subjectфизическое воспитаниеuk_UA
dc.titleNatural approach in the concept of individual education by Herbert Spenceruk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПриродний підхід у концепції індивідуального виховання Герберта Спенсераuk_UA


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