Innovative approach as the basis of quality training of economic profile specialists in higher education institutions
Лисенко, А. М.
Lysenko, A.
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Georgian Aviation University
Globalization of socio-economic processes causes the need to train competent specialists with a wide range of knowledge and skills, competitive on the labor market, able to effectively perform the assigned tasks taking into account the requirements of world standards, to be socially responsible and ready for self-education and continuous improvement in the profession, which implies continuity implementation of the educational process, its significance for each specific individual and society in general, and orientation towards self-development of the individual. Bearing this in mind, the provision of educational services by institutions of higher education in modern conditions should be based on a combination of a traditional approach to learning with an innovative one, which differs in the place and role of the teacher and the learner in the educational process, as well as the nature and content of educational activities, orients the readiness of learners to change according to due to the development of creative thinking and the ability to adapt in society. Since specialists are subject to high demands on the labor market, a modern teacher must constantly improve teaching methods, improve his own qualifications, and combine the roles of curriculum developer, mentor, presenter, manager, consultant, facilitator, trainer, researcher, agent in the process of scientific and teaching activities changes. In the process of training future economists, it is suggested to use information technologies, apply trainings, conduct team games within the scope of practical classes, form systems thinking in students of economic education, developed the skills and abilities of analyzing problematic situations, finding ways to solve identified problems. By imparting and receiving basic knowledge in a specific field of economic activity through education, both students and teachers need to constantly improve themselves, combine the acquired knowledge with the rules of communication, as well as with cultural and personal values.
globalization, educational process, economic education, institutions of higher education, scientific and pedagogical worker, education seekers, quality of specialist training, innovative approach, critical thinking, creative abilities, глобалізація, освітній процес, економічна освіта, заклади вищої освіти, науково-педагогічний працівник, здобувачі освіти, якість підготовки фахівців, інноваційний підхід, критичне мислення, творчі здібності
Lysenko, A. Innovative approach as the basis of quality training of economic profile specialists in higher education institutions / A. Lysenko // Innovative projects and paradigms of international education = Інноваційні проєкти та парадигми міжнародної освіти : A collection of theses : materials of I International multidisciplinary scientific and practical Internet conference, 28.02–01.03.2023 (Georgia, Tbilisi, Ukraine, Kyiv). – Tbilisi : Georgian Aviation University, 2023. – pp. 104–107.