Впровадження цифрових технологій в управління ланцюгами постачань
Гайкова, Т. В.
Загорянський, В. Г.
Леонтович, А. О.
Haikova, Т.
Zahorianskyi, V.
Leontovych, А.
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У статті розглянуто особливості цифровізації в управлінні ланцюгами постачань. Викладено
питання про сучасний стан впровадження програмного забезпечення в розвинені транспортні комплекси.
Визначено фактори, що впливають на успішну автоматизацію транспортного процесу. Обґрунтовані
завдання в галузі використання сучасних транспортно-інформаційних методів. Проведене дослідження
дає змогу проаналізувати важливі напрями інноваційного розвитку та застосування сучасних технологій
в сфері транспорту. During the period of military condition, one of the defining factors of the national economy and the
welfare of the society is a well-established, automated process of delivery of cargoes by automobile transport.
Changing business models under the influence of the situation in the country requires more flexible methods, as
an example of which can be the formation of information networks to strengthen transport communications and
to reduce transaction costs in the industry. Modern information and digital systems provide enterprises with
effective strategic management, due to analysis of collected data and further planning of activity using riskmanagement
methods. But it is also important to consider the security of such data and the protection of
consumer privacy.
Digital technologies are actively used in transport logistics when making certain payments for the given
services. When delivering a cargo, as a rule, all conditions specified in the contract of carriage must be fulfilled.
All payment transactions are carried out on digital platforms and demonstrate high efficiency, as well as the
possibility to monitor compliance with payment terms. However, the expansion of the use of digital technologies
in transport logistics has much greater potential, which will provide significant efficiency of the whole transport
and logistics system.
Digital technologies are built to meet the specific requirements of the task. The large number of
operations during transportation of cargoes, peculiarities of transportation, as well as the necessary types of
packing, storage and sorting include a certain array of data. They also provide data sets that need to be quickly
integrated into specific threads. A very important component is the creation of information systems in the digital
industry, where all transactions are carried out in digital format and show high results. In the case of road
transportation, the transport documentation is fully transferred to the electronic platform and significantly
reduces the cost of the unit of the transported cargo. Currently, software is being developed, connected with the
use of electronic goods and transport waybills (e-TTS) for all types of transport.
By using new innovative methods, on the example of electronic goods and transport waybill, the
processing time of documents is reduced to 90%, protection of confidential information in cloud servers, cost
savings on documentation printing, easy and fast search of documents with the help of online archive,
convenient format of work for drivers, possibility of integration with existing systems with the help of API. All
these indicators positively influence the development of transport processes and rapid achievement of results at
the lowest cost.
транспортні технології, цифрові інформаційні системи, ланцюги постачань, електронна ТТН, transport technologies, digital information systems, supply chains, electronic TTS
Гайкова, Т. В. Впровадження цифрових технологій в управління ланцюгами постачань / Т. В. Гайкова, В. Г. Загорянський, А. О. Леонтович // Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : ЦНТУ, 2023. - Вип. 7(38). - Ч. 1. - С. 222-228.