Синтез системы регулирования положения электрода-инструмента процесса размерной обработки дугой с помощью модального управления

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Ермолаев, Ю. А.
Савеленко, Г. В.
Yermolayev, Yu.
Savelenko, G.

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The publication is devoted to the automation of machines EDM groups for dimensional processing of arc. Her aim is development of mathematical model electric drive electrode tool on the position in the form of multiplanimetric structural schemes and determination of parameters of regulators. Electric arc between an electrode tool and workpiece in the stream of liquid which is given under constraint in an interelectrode interval is the characteristic feature of dimensional processing of arc. Resulted functional diagram of the system of automatic control of serve of electrodeinstrument, and also structure diagram built on principle of the subordinate regulation parameters. At the synthesis of the worked out system of automatic control position of electrode is used methodology synthesis of modal method. Contour armature current presented inertialess element, the speed controller proportional-integral selected. At the second variant of synthesis the regulator of position is accepted by proportionally-integral. The produced calculations showed that synthesis of the system of electric drive of electrode-instrument of dimensional processing of arc with the use methodology of modal method is possible to carry out with the use of standard set of feed-backs on a current, speed and position.



synthesis system, the numerical regulator parameters, the positional of drive


Ермолаев, Ю. А. Синтез системы регулирования положения электрода-инструмента процесса размерной обработки дугой с помощью модального управления / Ю. А. Ермолаев, Г. В. Савеленко // Проблеми енергоресурсозбереження в електротехнічних системах. Наука, освіта і практика : зб. матеріалів Міжнар. наук.-тех. конф. – Кременчук, 2014. – Вип. 1/2014 (2). – С. 53-55.



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