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Item Formation of translation competence in future vocational specialists : a systematic review(Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021) Dudina, O.; Holovko, I.; Chernyshenko, I.; Дудіна, О.; Головко, I.; Чернишенко, І.The integration of Ukrainian national higher education system into the global higher education and research space requires targeted reform of higher education in order to ensure its competitiveness. The priority of the development of higher education in Ukraine isthe training of highly qualified, professionally competent professionals who are capable ofself-realizing in the modern information society, are ready for continuous improvement and professional self-development. Modern scientific and technological progress is necessary for the socio-economic and cultural development of humankind, and its achievements must be available for use by representatives of different languages and cultures. An important role of technical translation specialists is to ensure access to modern advanced scientific and technical knowledge from around the world without language barriers. Thus, the issue of professional training of highly qualified, competitive and intellectually developed specialists in technical translation in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine becomes especially relevant. The scientific, technical and economic potential of the United States as a highly developed country has led to interest in studying the experience of this leading country in higher education in the training of technical translators in high-ranking US universities.Item Master Training of Translation Specialists in the Context of the Postmodern Educational Paradigm.(LUMEN Publishing, 2022) Testsova, O.; Dudina, O.; Holovko, I.; Тецова, О.; Дудіна, О.; Головко, І.The article deals with the problems of inconsistency of Ukrainian translation education with the trends of the postmodern state of society and the advisability of introducing the achievements of the American system of training translators is substantiated. Thearticle describes the organization of training masters in technical translation in the United States on the basis of a systematic analysis, in particular, the structure and content, forms and methods of teaching and learning masters in technical translation. Postmodern tendencies and peculiarities of master's education in the USA are revealed and substantiated. The principles of permanent improvement of translation competence, profile and general cultural orientation are described; ensuring the full formation of the readiness of graduates of master's programs in technical translation for highly qualified, productive and creative professional activities; learning in a multicultural environment; application of the latest means of automated translation during training; certification of technical translators. For the reform of translation education in Ukraine, these trends are identified as key. The results of the study were obtained by applying a comparative typological and systems analysis, the method of extrapolating educational trends in the United States and Ukraine in relation to the postmodern context of society and its practical requirements for translation education. The practical significance of the article lies in borrowing the American experience of postmodern aspects of translation education, which can be useful to the countries of the former socialist camp and post-Soviet society.Item Peculiarities of Teaching a Foreign Language to Students of Technical Specialties(Scientific World Journal, 2023) Holovko, I.; Головко, І. О.У статті розглянуто підходи до організації навчання іноземної мови студентів технічних спеціальностей, які мають враховувати психолінгвістичні особливості сприйняття, розуміння, засвоєння іншомовного матеріалу та продукування мовлення іноземною мовою. Зазначено, що розв’язання завдання щодо навчання студентів із різним рівнем іншомовної підготовки в обмежений термін курсу навчання в технічних ЗВО висуває потребу інтенсифікації процесу навчання. The article depicts some approaches of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties taking into account their psycholinguistic peculiarities of speech perception, understanding, absorption and communicating in foreign language. To solve the issue the approach of intensive methods should be applied including grouping students according to the level they possess in foreign language, weekly consultations with a teacher to help students organize the independent work and self-control in studying, consideration of their individual abilities, combination of means of studying: textbooks, audiovisual aids, computer and multimedia resources. It is noted that analytical and logical mentality of future engineers shows the superiority of concrete-figurative and visual perception of the material compared to auditory skills that follows the necessity of teaching vocabulary and grammar using schemes, tables, and patterns. Teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties should also consider their difficulty to formulate and express thoughts easily and widely using the whole range of the vocabulary, even though which is known to them, as technicians are obviously more inclined to operate with mechanisms and figures but not with lexical units. It puts forward the importance of practicing the large number of the receptive-productive and reproducing-productive exercises in communicatively-oriented mini-dialogues. It aims to make students be aware of using language in different real-life situations dealt with their future professional carrier and acquire some level of communicative competence. Special attention should be given to the choice of the context for learning: it must meet students’ requirements for their professional activity in the future.Item Teaching foreign language to future agronomists: points to consider(Pro Conference in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington., 2023) Holovko, I.; Головко, І. О.The article depicts some approaches of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language to students of the specialty “Agronomy” taking into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of speech perception, understanding, absorption and communicating in foreign language. To solve the issue the approach of intensive methods should be applied including grouping students according to the level they possess in foreign language, weekly consultations with a teacher to help students organize the independent work and self-control in studying, consideration of their individual abilities, combination of means of studying: textbooks, audiovisual aids, computer and multimedia resources. It is noted that analytical and logical mentality of “Agronomy” specialty studentsshows the superiority of concrete-figurative and visual perception of the material compared to auditory skills that follows the necessity of teaching vocabulary and grammar using schemes, tables, and patterns. Teaching a foreign language to future agronomists should also consider their difficulty to formulate and express thoughts easily and widely using the whole range of the vocabulary, even though which is known to them. It puts forward the importance of practicing the large number of the receptive-productive and reproducing-productive exercises in communicatively-oriented mini-dialogues. It aims to make students be aware of using language in different real-life situations dealt with their future professional carrier and acquire some level of communicative competence. Special attention should be given to the choice of the context for learning: it must meet students’ requirements for their professional activity in the future.Item Visual Mind Mapping for Practicing Foreign Language Speaking(ScientificWorld-NetAkhatAV, 2024) Holovko, I.; Головко, І. О.Дослідження висвітлює процес вивчення основних підходів науковців до застосування технології «Visual Mind Mapping» з покращенням ефективності використання концепції ментальних карт в опануванні навичок говоріння - іншомовного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення здобувачів вищої освіти технічних спеціальностей. Застосування комунікативного підходу, як інструмент формування у студентів іншомовної комунікативної компетенції в чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності: читанні, аудіюванні, говорінні та письмі.