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Item Assessment of some parameters of biological quality of the water in the city of KropIvnytskyi(ТДМУ Укрмедкнига, 2017) Medvedeva, О.; Kryvoshei, Y.The aim of the work is to compare the biological buffer functions of aquatic ecosystems of the middle stream of the Dnipro river near the water intake and the Inhul river in Kropyvnytskyi.Item Communicative approach in teaching speaking foreign language(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2015) Shcherbyna, S.; Щербина, С. В.The article is devoted to the problem of teaching speaking foreign language in non-linguistic high educational institutions. Some techniques to improve students’ speaking skills and to prevent boredom in teaching speaking are discussed. Three basic reasons to give students speaking tasks, which provoke them to speak and use all the known language means are revealed. The author suggests some important elements of the communicative approach: learners are provided with the language needed in order to perform the task, use the best language they can achieve the task and tasks provide students with just the right amount of challenge .The examples of different types of speaking activity that comply as far as possible with the characteristics necessary for communication are given. During the lessons, students communicate in the situations which make them use “live” spoken English which corresponds to the European standards. Стаття присвячена проблемі навчання говорінню студентів іноземною мовою на основі комунікативного підходу у немовних вищих навчальних закладах. Розглянуто деякі методи щодо покращення мовних навичок студентів та запобігання одноманітності на заняттях з іноземної мови. Наведено основні умови постановки мовних завдань студентам, що спонукають їх до висловлювань та використання усіх відомих мовних засобів. Автор пропонує приклади різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності, які відповідають умовам комунікації. На заняттях студенти опиняються в ситуаціях, які спонукають їх до вживання «живої» розмовної англійської мови, що відповідає європейським стандартам.Item Computer assisted language learning in the development of communicative competence(РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017) Shcherbyna, S.; Щербина, С. В.Recent development in foreign language education have indicated a trend towards the development of communicative competence among foreign language students. This paper provides the review of the literature concerning the use of CALL as a means of promoting the acquisition of communicative competence in the foreign language and culture. Providing experiences for contact with language in context may prove difficult for foreign language teachers. Constrained by lack of sufficient access to the target culture, teachers often rely on textbooks and classroom materials in teaching language. These materials may not necessarily provide the required environment for the acquisition of communicative competence. The goals of communicative competence demand that teachers and students should be familiar with and knowledgeable of the target language and culture. Recent technological multimedia tools, which utilize audio-visual formats, can provide many of the contextual cues that traditional textbook formats cannot. The linear nature of textbooks affords students a rather restricted experience of the content and does not allow for navigational freedom or interactivity that modern technological tools provide learners. Contrary to multimedia formats, traditional textbooks, linear and non-interactive, may not provide the appropriate context for the acquisition of communicative competence. Computer Assisted Language Learning, or CALL, has became increasingly popular within the foreign language domain. Recently researches have begun investigating CALL and its benefits in promoting the acquisition of competence in the second language and culture. Educational multimedia software products include electronic textbook, slide library, guided tour, light table, or a reference library. The review of the literature concerning integrative CALL environments for foreign language learning indicates that much more research is necessary before the nature of this context can be fully understood in its relation to the acquisition of foreign language classroom, the transfer of power from teacher to learner has emerged as an important trend, indicating a shift from teacher controlled learning to student initiated investigation. Another theme arising from the literature regards the ability of multimedia environments to provide learners with authentic content that is carefully manipulated to meet their individual needs. Сучасні події в контексті вивчення іноземної мови свідчать про тенденцію до розвитку комунікативної компетенції у студентів. Дана робота представляє огляд літератури, пов’язаної із застосуванням комп’ютерів у вивченні іноземної мови з метою розвитку навичок комунікативної компетенції. Современные события в контексте изучения иностранного языка свидетельствуют о тенденции к развитию коммуникативной компетенции студентов. Данная работа представляет обзор литературы, связанной с использованием компьютеров в изучении иностранного языка с целью развития навыков коммуникативной компетенции.Item Formation of translation competence in future vocational specialists : a systematic review(Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021) Dudina, O.; Holovko, I.; Chernyshenko, I.; Дудіна, О.; Головко, I.; Чернишенко, І.The integration of Ukrainian national higher education system into the global higher education and research space requires targeted reform of higher education in order to ensure its competitiveness. The priority of the development of higher education in Ukraine isthe training of highly qualified, professionally competent professionals who are capable ofself-realizing in the modern information society, are ready for continuous improvement and professional self-development. Modern scientific and technological progress is necessary for the socio-economic and cultural development of humankind, and its achievements must be available for use by representatives of different languages and cultures. An important role of technical translation specialists is to ensure access to modern advanced scientific and technical knowledge from around the world without language barriers. Thus, the issue of professional training of highly qualified, competitive and intellectually developed specialists in technical translation in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine becomes especially relevant. The scientific, technical and economic potential of the United States as a highly developed country has led to interest in studying the experience of this leading country in higher education in the training of technical translators in high-ranking US universities.Item Fundamentals оf Economics and Business Organization(ЦНТУ, 2018) Shtompel, H.; Штомпель, Г. В.Методична розробка: "Fundamentals оf Economics and Business Organization" має на меті покращення щодо підготовки студентів до самостійного читання, сприяти їх розумінню та вдосконаленню навичок здійснення перекладу оригінальної літератури на англійській мові в галузі економіки та бізнесу, а також закріпленню навичок усного мовлення. Система лексико-комунікативних вправ спрямована на свідоме практичне засвоєння мовних елементів фахового стилю. Тексти посібника добиралися з монографій і журнальних статей англійських і американських авторів і зазнали деяких змін та скорочень. Тематично пов'язані тексти призначені для аудиторного та самостійного навчального читання. Призначена для аудиторної і самостійної роботи як на ступені бакалаврату, так і у відповідних групах магістерського ступеня.Item Master Training of Translation Specialists in the Context of the Postmodern Educational Paradigm.(LUMEN Publishing, 2022) Testsova, O.; Dudina, O.; Holovko, I.; Тецова, О.; Дудіна, О.; Головко, І.The article deals with the problems of inconsistency of Ukrainian translation education with the trends of the postmodern state of society and the advisability of introducing the achievements of the American system of training translators is substantiated. Thearticle describes the organization of training masters in technical translation in the United States on the basis of a systematic analysis, in particular, the structure and content, forms and methods of teaching and learning masters in technical translation. Postmodern tendencies and peculiarities of master's education in the USA are revealed and substantiated. The principles of permanent improvement of translation competence, profile and general cultural orientation are described; ensuring the full formation of the readiness of graduates of master's programs in technical translation for highly qualified, productive and creative professional activities; learning in a multicultural environment; application of the latest means of automated translation during training; certification of technical translators. For the reform of translation education in Ukraine, these trends are identified as key. The results of the study were obtained by applying a comparative typological and systems analysis, the method of extrapolating educational trends in the United States and Ukraine in relation to the postmodern context of society and its practical requirements for translation education. The practical significance of the article lies in borrowing the American experience of postmodern aspects of translation education, which can be useful to the countries of the former socialist camp and post-Soviet society.Item Multicultural principles in the process of formation of professional skills of future specialists(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2015) Mytsenko, V.; Миценко, В. І.The article discloses the phenomenon of multiculturalism from the point of view of education. The main long-term benefits of the global perspective of multicultural education were identified. The core principles and concepts of multicultural education as an integral part of the effective educational and pedagogical process were presented. It was stated that civic equality is an essential characteristic of a democratic nation-state. The conditions and concepts with the hope that they will help universities to reflect the diversity within their societies, promote the unity that is essential for the survival of a democratic polity, and help students become effective citizens in the global community were offered. Historical, social and economic aspects of the incipience of multicultural education were characterized. The issues of the formation of multicultural competence of students in the process of education were updated. В статті розглянуто феномен мультикультуралізму з точки зору освіти. Наведені основні принципи та концепції мультикультурної освіти як невід’ємної частини ефективного навчального та виховного процесу. Характеризуються історичні та соціально-економічні аспекти становлення полікультурної освіти. Актуалізуються питання формування мультикультурної компетенції студентів під час навчання.Item Natural approach in the concept of individual education by Herbert Spencer(РВВ КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016) Mytsenko, V.; Миценко, В. І.During the XIX century the European society had profound changes in the philosophy of life. That was the development of individualism: the new social conditions associated with the Industrial Revolution formed a new type of a personality that outlined his/her contacts with society on the basis of goods and money relations. Focusing on individual cultural goals and radical response to the conditions dictated by public opinion were realized in the works of the English philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). The pedagogy of H. Spencer consists of the following problems which are: the problem of selfdevelopment of a child; establishment of the successful system of self-education and training which is based on the "natural method of education" [8] and training of parents for their duties; thirdly, changes in educational programmes abandoning old forms of work and study; fourth, teachers and parents have to discover a child in order to contribute to its successful physical and moral development. The famous book by Herbert Spencer "Education: intellectual, moral, and physical" seemed to be the key to the regeneration of society. The author skilfully contrasted natural laws to the necessity to adhere to the old traditional beliefs in education. It is known that Herbert Spencer advised major Japanese diplomats and ministers on general policy and reorganization of education. We may find interesting propositions in the works of Spencer, particularly he writes about the necessity to teach pedagogy at school as future parents should know basic principles of educating and upbringing children. Another interesting thought of H. Spencer is if a child got accustomed to immediate response of the parents to his actions and having become an adult is incapable independently assess the results of his actions. Perhaps the philosopher is right when indicates that the method of education with the help of "natural consequences" teaches the educators to analyze their own motives more seriously. Herbert Spencer followed democratic and progressive views. He singled out the following general tasks of education as full development of a child, specifying the full description of intellectual, moral and physical development. The educational views of H. Spencer and his theoretical and practical contribution to solving the problem of individual education of children in public and family education were systematised and analysed. General tasks of education as full development of a child, specifying the full description of intellectual, moral and physical development were singled out. В статті представлено аналіз педагогічних поглядів англійського філософа Герберта Спенсера та його концепції індивідуального підходу у розумовому, моральному та фізичному вихованні. Було проаналізовано та систематизовано теоретичний та практичний внесок Г. Спенсера у вирішення проблеми індивідуального виховання дітей в рамках громадської та сімейної освіти. В статье представлен анализ педагогических взглядов английского философа Герберта Спенсера и его концепции индивидуального подхода в умственном, нравственном и физическом воспитании. Были проанализированы и систематизированы теоретический и практический вклад Г. Спенсера в решение проблемы индивидуального воспитания детей в рамках общественного и семейного воспитания.Item Peculiarities of Teaching a Foreign Language to Students of Technical Specialties(Scientific World Journal, 2023) Holovko, I.; Головко, І. О.У статті розглянуто підходи до організації навчання іноземної мови студентів технічних спеціальностей, які мають враховувати психолінгвістичні особливості сприйняття, розуміння, засвоєння іншомовного матеріалу та продукування мовлення іноземною мовою. Зазначено, що розв’язання завдання щодо навчання студентів із різним рівнем іншомовної підготовки в обмежений термін курсу навчання в технічних ЗВО висуває потребу інтенсифікації процесу навчання. The article depicts some approaches of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties taking into account their psycholinguistic peculiarities of speech perception, understanding, absorption and communicating in foreign language. To solve the issue the approach of intensive methods should be applied including grouping students according to the level they possess in foreign language, weekly consultations with a teacher to help students organize the independent work and self-control in studying, consideration of their individual abilities, combination of means of studying: textbooks, audiovisual aids, computer and multimedia resources. It is noted that analytical and logical mentality of future engineers shows the superiority of concrete-figurative and visual perception of the material compared to auditory skills that follows the necessity of teaching vocabulary and grammar using schemes, tables, and patterns. Teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties should also consider their difficulty to formulate and express thoughts easily and widely using the whole range of the vocabulary, even though which is known to them, as technicians are obviously more inclined to operate with mechanisms and figures but not with lexical units. It puts forward the importance of practicing the large number of the receptive-productive and reproducing-productive exercises in communicatively-oriented mini-dialogues. It aims to make students be aware of using language in different real-life situations dealt with their future professional carrier and acquire some level of communicative competence. Special attention should be given to the choice of the context for learning: it must meet students’ requirements for their professional activity in the future.Item Researches of pneumatic sowing machine with peripheral cells location and inertial superfluous seeds extraction(Lublin; Rzeszow, 2015) Vasylkovska, K.; Vasylkovskiy, O.; Anisimov, O.; Trykina, N.In the article we provide the new design of pneumatic sowing machine with peripheral cells on the seed disk and a passive device for removing extra seeds with inertia method for precise seeding of cultivated crops. A series of studies was proposed for sugar beet seeds sowing device, we defined the influence of dilution in a vacuum chamber of sowing device and angular velocity cell seed disk on the cells filling factor. The design of the new pneumatic sowing machine can significantly reduce the vacuum in the system having increased the angular speed in cell seed disk to the values of seeding device travelling speed, thus provide a constant point of seeds drop from the seed disc at the same trajectory of their flight to the furrows and the qualitative cells filling. To determine the rational parameters and modes of sowing device we used method of multifactor experiment planning. We determined the main levels and intervals of varying factors for sugar beet sowing along with determining the filling factor of cell seed disk. With application of package Statistica 6.0. for parameter optimization - cell seed disk filling factor was constructed response surface and line of even output.Item School-based Technical Education in Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries England(РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017) Golovko, I.; Головко, І. О.The abstract focuses on the development of technical education at school level in England over the course of the late nineteenth – beginning of the twentieth century. It outlines its main features, strengths and weaknesses. It also reviews the policy and practice of the government as related to technical education for young people in compulsory elementary and secondary education. The adoption of the Elementary Education Act (1870) and imposing of the compulsory elementary education (1880) in Great Britain gave impulse towards the two most important dynamics, which greatly influenced the development of school-based technical and vocational education. The first one was the establishment of the local School Boards from 1872. The second dynamic was that after 1872 many SchoolBoards also established higher grade schools. They coped with the growing demand to form the post elementary education, which was used by working class children, and to impose the technical bias into the curriculum of these schools. Technical Education Act, 1889 allowed higher grade schools and secondary grammar schools, except most liberally endowed grammar schools, to take advantage of aid offered them by the government to develop science courses. Both types of school extended this work from 1889 through legislation, which allowed county and borough councils (created the previous year) to supply and aid technical education. Meanwhile, throughout this period the larger and wealthier grammar and public schools largely remained aloof from education in science and technology. Nevertheless, the broadening of secondary school curriculum towards science and technical courses proceeded slowly. That resulted in “bookish” culture of the state-maintained secondary schools and the lost opportunity of higher grade schools in promotion of technical education. However, there was a continued drive on the part of local authorities to meet a growing demand for extended education based on occupational bias. Some of the local authorities pioneered two new models of upper-elementary education. First, from 1905, in London, an alternative to secondary education was offered for those winning scholarships in elementary school via transfer to a central school. Second, also from 1905 with immediate finance provided by the Board of education non-selective junior technical schools sprang up. The large, skill-intensive industries and their associated industrial relations were obviously important in determining key structures in the overall provision of technical and vocational education. But so, too, was the role of government in setting the priorities for education, the place of local authorities, which were the key to the kind of specialist technical schools that existed in England and Wales beginning from 1905. Urban authorities also were always most likely to be interested in their development and supporting them. Розглянуто процес впровадження технічної освіти в школи Англії в кінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. Виділено характерні риси технічної освіти, її сильні на слабкі сторони. Визначено роль та підходи уряду в практичному втіленні технічної освіти в національну систему шкільної освіти. Рассмотрен процесс введения технического образования на школьном уровне в Англии в конце XIX – начале ХХ ст. Выделены характерные черты технического образования, его сильные и слабые стороны. Освещены роль и подходы правительства в практическом введении технического образования в национальную систему школьного образования.Item Some Methodological Aspects in Teaching Foreign Language Reading(ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020) Shcherbyna, S.; Щербина, С. В.The article is devoted to the problem of teaching communicative reading English texts in higher school and focuses on the factor of purpose, as determined by the reader or the instructional context. Real-world reading is performed for any number of reasons, and the nature of reading varies according to the reader’s purpose and situation. These factors inevitably determine the readers approach to the text, the amount of attention paid, the time spent, as well as what features or parts of the text are focused on. Wherever possible, instructors should ask student directly about their interests and provide them choices of authentic texts. But reader interest in a text can also be a function of purpose. Reading with a purpose means approaching texts with a specific goal. When possible, students can be asked to read a text from a specific point of view, depending on what the text might suggest. Whole tasks involve performance of reading in conjunction with other skills: listening, speaking or writing. Still other kinds of communicative tasks may be activities that would not actually occur in real-world situations. A task approach conveys to students the value of fluent and efficient reading, because reading for a specific purpose means reading texts in different ways at different speeds, depending on the information needed and the task to be carried out. Another advantage of tasks is that students can work with authentic texts from the start. A complex, unedited text can be made accessible by adjusting the level of difficulty of the task. The same text can be used at different points during a semester, each time with a different task or purpose. In reading the same text with a different purpose, students derive a sense of accomplishment from their progressively greater comprehension and more extended use of the text. As preparation for reading authentic foreign language texts on a cultural topic, students can engage in peer reading and debate. The article deals with the analysis of the theory of multiple intelligence applied to transforming texts through graphic responses and the necessity to take into account the differences in students’ learning styles. Teachers have a responsibility to provide multiple opportunities for their students to investigate and identify their learning styles. Teachers need to take more risks to integrate more teaching styles into their class preparation even though they may not feel entirely comfortable using them. Reading texts also provides opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way we construct sentences, paragraphs and texts. Lastly, good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussions, excite imaginative responses. The article presents the stages of working with the text to make teaching of foreign language reading more productive and effective. Дослідження присвячено вирішенню проблеми навчання комунікативного читання англійською мовою студентів вищого навчального закладу та зосереджуються на факторі цілі, що визначається читачем, або обумовлюється учбовим контекстом. Читання у реальному світі здійснюється з ряду причин і природа читання варіюється залежно від цілі читання і ситуації. Ці фактори зумовлюють підхід читача до читання, кількість уваги, що приділяється та часу, що витрачено на текст. У статті розглядається теорія складеного інтелекту та її практичне використання у графічній трансформації тексту, використання різнобічних здібностей студентів при переказі текстів. Читання надає великі можливості при вивченні іноземної мови: розширення словникового запасу, знайомство з граматичними явищами, синтаксисом, а також, засоби побудови речень, абзаців та текстів. Також, ефективне читання знайомить студентів з цікавими темами, стимулюють їх до дискусій, викликають образні реакції та розширюють інтелект. У статті презентовано етапи роботи з текстом з метою зробити навчання читанню більш продуктивним та цікавим. Исследование посвящено решению проблемы обучения коммуникативного чтения на английском языке студентов высших учебных заведений и сосредоточено на факторе цели, которая определяется читателем, или обусловлена учебным контекстом. Чтение в реальном мире осуществляется по ряду причин и природа чтения варьируется в зависимости от цели чтения и ситуации. Эти факторы определяют подход студента к чтению, количеству уделенного внимания, потраченного времени на текст. В статье рассматривается теория сложного интеллекта и ее практическое использование в графической трансформации текста, использование разносторонних способностей студентов. Чтение текстов предоставляет большие возможности при изучении иностранного языка: расширение словарного запаса, знакомство с грамматими явлениями, синтаксисом, а также способы построения предложений, абзацов и текстов. Также эффективное чтение знакомит студентов с интересными темами, стимулирует их к дискуссиям, вызывает образные реакции и расширяет интеллект. В статье презентованы этапы роботы с текстом с целью сделать обучение чтению более продуктивным и интересным.Item Teacher’s functions in teaching language communicative competence.(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016) Scherbina, S.; Щербина, С. В.The article observes the main functions assumed for teacher of foreign language, proceeding from the special need to develop students’ communicative skills. The information presented in the article summarizes opinions of different experts and provides the general description of teacher roles advisable for successful teaching communicative competence. The author underlines that the teacher will benefit from using a variety of strategies. As the students often work in a small groups the teacher will observe the activities, noting problem areas for future work. Teachers will experience greater success when activities are planned around the students’ interests and take into account subjects that they have some knowledge about. Students learn a language more quickly and more easily if they are comfortable and secure. It is the teacher’s responsibility to create a warm, supporting learning environment. Only through rewarding and successful experience students can learn effectively and retain a positive attitude toward the language. У даній статті розглядаються основні функції викладача іноземної мови, зумовлені потребою розвитку комунікативних навичок студентів. Представлена у статті інформація узагальнює погляди різних фахівців і надає загальний опис функцій викладача, використання яких сприяє успішному навчанню комунікативних компетенцій.Item Teaching foreign language to future agronomists: points to consider(Pro Conference in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington., 2023) Holovko, I.; Головко, І. О.The article depicts some approaches of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language to students of the specialty “Agronomy” taking into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of speech perception, understanding, absorption and communicating in foreign language. To solve the issue the approach of intensive methods should be applied including grouping students according to the level they possess in foreign language, weekly consultations with a teacher to help students organize the independent work and self-control in studying, consideration of their individual abilities, combination of means of studying: textbooks, audiovisual aids, computer and multimedia resources. It is noted that analytical and logical mentality of “Agronomy” specialty studentsshows the superiority of concrete-figurative and visual perception of the material compared to auditory skills that follows the necessity of teaching vocabulary and grammar using schemes, tables, and patterns. Teaching a foreign language to future agronomists should also consider their difficulty to formulate and express thoughts easily and widely using the whole range of the vocabulary, even though which is known to them. It puts forward the importance of practicing the large number of the receptive-productive and reproducing-productive exercises in communicatively-oriented mini-dialogues. It aims to make students be aware of using language in different real-life situations dealt with their future professional carrier and acquire some level of communicative competence. Special attention should be given to the choice of the context for learning: it must meet students’ requirements for their professional activity in the future.Item Teaching foreign language to future agronomists: points to consider(Pro Conference in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington., 2023) Holovko, I. O.; Головко, І. О.The article depicts some approaches of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language to students of the specialty “Agronomy” taking into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of speech perception, understanding, absorption and communicating in foreign language. To solve the issue the approach of intensive methods should be applied including grouping students according to the level they possess in foreign language, weekly consultations with a teacher to help students organize the independent work and self-control in studying, consideration of their individual abilities, combination of means of studying: textbooks, audiovisual aids, computer and multimedia resources. It is noted that analytical and logical mentality of “Agronomy” specialty studentsshows the superiority of concrete-figurative and visual perception of the material compared to auditory skills that follows the necessity of teaching vocabulary and grammar using schemes, tables, and patterns. Teaching a foreign language to future agronomists should also consider their difficulty to formulate and express thoughts easily and widely using the whole range of the vocabulary, even though which is known to them. It puts forward the importance of practicing the large number of the receptive-productive and reproducing-productive exercises in communicatively-oriented mini-dialogues. It aims to make students be aware of using language in different real-life situations dealt with their future professional carrier and acquire some level of communicative competence. Special attention should be given to the choice of the context for learning: it must meet students’ requirements for their professional activity in the future.Item Technical Education and Economy: Relationships and Interacting Roles (case of Victorian England)(2018) Golovko, I. O.; Головко, І. О.The article suggests the review of some scientists’ analysis whether the failure of education in the sector of technical instruction was a major contributory factor of Britain’s economic decline. It also dwells on the counter-arguments whether the level of technical education development in the late nineteenth – beginning twentieth centuries was so low in Great Britain to make negative impact on the level of the country’s economy, and whether the only technical education provision is to be blamed for it. Розглянуто аспекти впливу економічних факторів розвитку промислового суспільства на підходи до навчання спеціалістів технічного профілю. Висвітлено характерні риси педагогічних підходів до створення профільних закладів у Англії кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.ст. згідно до нових економічних умов. Досліджено ступінь залежності економічного спаду економіки Британії через уповільнений розвиток технічної освіти наприкінці ХІХ – початку ст.Item The role of informational and communicational technologies in the formation of professional qualities of future economists(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2013) Mytsenko, V.; Миценко, В. І.The problems of the formation of informational and communicational technologies of the future economist were considered. The essence of the notion of “informational and communicational technologies” was defined. The aspects of informational and communicational technologies and their objectives were considered. У статті розглянуті проблеми формування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій майбутнього економіста. Визначається сутність поняття «інформаційно-комунікаційні технології». Наводяться аспекти інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій та цілі, на які вони орієнтуються. В статье рассмотрены проблемы формирования информационно-коммуникационных технологий будущего экономиста. Определяется сущность понятия «информационно-коммуникационные технологии». Приводятся аспекты информационно-коммуникационных технологий и цели, на которые они ориентируются.Item Visual Mind Mapping for Practicing Foreign Language Speaking(ScientificWorld-NetAkhatAV, 2024) Holovko, I.; Головко, І. О.Дослідження висвітлює процес вивчення основних підходів науковців до застосування технології «Visual Mind Mapping» з покращенням ефективності використання концепції ментальних карт в опануванні навичок говоріння - іншомовного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення здобувачів вищої освіти технічних спеціальностей. Застосування комунікативного підходу, як інструмент формування у студентів іншомовної комунікативної компетенції в чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності: читанні, аудіюванні, говорінні та письмі.Item Visual Mind Mapping in Teaching Process : Pedagogical Practices(SWorld&D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria., 2024) Головко, І. О.; Holovko, I. O.A review of pedagogical practices using Visual mind mapping is presented. It is perceived that VMM technology has become an integrated strategy of the educational process in higher school pedagogy among the methods and technologies for organizing effectiveness of students’ learning. A review of pedagogical practices using Visual mind mapping is presented. It is perceived that VMM technology has become an integrated strategy of the educational process in higher school pedagogy among the methods and technologies for organizing students’ work in HEIs.The analysis of the results described in papers of educators has shown the effectiveness of the implementation of VMM for students of different specialties and for various purposes. As a comprehensive strategy, VMM updates the educational process in HEIs in order to optimize it. Introduced as an interactive and dynamic pedagogical resourceVMMintensifies the teaching process, improves educational activity, and successfully combines educational and analytical activities of students. As a method of learning, VMM helps students to comprehend the difficult information easily and clearly, and to group a large flow of information material structuring and managing it. Employed as an interactive technology in English classes, VMM is productive for memorizing and systematizing lexical units, creating a continuous system for mastering students’ speaking skills, developing the skills in comprehending and translating texts, improving the skills in writing an essay. It is concluded that employing VMM technology in educational process improves the effectiveness of students’ learning: upgrades the comprehension of learning material, raises its memorizing and organizing, stimulates generating ideas, develops skills in speaking and writing, and promotes cognitive abilities.Item Аборт та його анатомо-фізіологічні наслідки(Лисенко В. Ф., 2015) Банік, А. С.; Данилків, О. МПублікація присвячена важливій проблемі розгляду аборту як причини порушень репродуктивного здоров’я жінки. Величезна кількість абортів в Україні пов'язана, насамперед, з соціально-економічною і політичною нестабільністю держави, падінням моральних норм у суспільстві, зростаючим безробіттям та зниженням можливості отримати адекватну медико-соціальну та психологічну допомогу, що призвело до втрати соціально-етичних орієнтирів, зростанню сексуального насильства та деформації сексуальної поведінки.