Деякі методичні питання навчання граматики української мови на початковому етапі
Ліпатова, М. В.
Бабич, Т. В.
Lipatova, M.
Babich, T.
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ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
Стаття присвячена питанням навчання граматики української мови як
іноземної і формування граматичної компетенції студентів - іноземців. Під
час вивчення граматики студенти опановують граматичним матеріалом,
необхідним для вираження думок в усній та письмовій формі і розуміння їх
при читанні і на слух. У статті визначено основні етапи введення
граматичного матеріалу на заняттях з української мови як іноземної. The article deals with problems of the formation of grammatical competence as
an important component of foreign language communicative competence, the
theoretical principles and foundations that are relevant for the Ukrainian as a
foreign language teaching methods at the advanced stage of training have been
The article concerns the aspect of Grammar as an important part of any
language which ensures the formation of oral and written communication skills.
The study of the issue which is discussed in the article is relevant, since the
formation of grammatical skills is one of the prerequisites for developing the
ability to express their thoughts in oral and written forms, as well as the ability to
understand the views expressed by other people, which is important for the
communication process.
Grammar is the part of the content of Ukrainian as a foreign language
teaching program, therefore its role is seen in the aspect of learning activities,
since grammar should contribute to the formation and development of speech
skills, to play a supporting role for grammar rules and structures to serve
communicative learning purposes. The grammar skills formation in foreign
language learners is one of the most important components of speaking, listening,
reading and writing teaching process.
Studying grammar material it is necessary to form grammar skills for oral
speech, which provide grammatically correct structure of dialogue and monologue
The need to study grammar in practical use is emphasized. The main purpose of
teaching grammar as seen by the communicative method is the formation of
communicative competence meaning student’s ability to act in accordance with a
variety of life situations. It is a sine qua non condition that the exercises should be
of interest and lead to the formation of free speech. That can promote successful
граматична компетенція, активна і пасивна граматика, граматичні навички, мовні вправи, мовленнєві вправи, комунікативні цілі навчання, teaching of grammar, grammatical competence, grammar skills formation, oral and written communication, communication goals of teaching, passive and active grammar minimum, stages of forming skills
Ліпатова, М. В. Деякі методичні питання навчання граматики української мови на початковому етапі / М. В. Ліпатова, Т. В. Бабич // Наукові записки. Серія : Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. пр. - Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020. - Вип. 189. - С. 184-189.